Tuesday, 10 July 2012

This and That In This Madhouse

What a day I am still coughing a bloody lot but it is not as cold today I have done a load of  washing which I will need to go and get off the line shortly, I had a text from Jessica this morning wanting to know when she could bring Leo over and leave him here as he has been driving her around the bend for the last couple of days. I told her I am not the best and not to early well they turned up at around 12.30pm and are still here as I type this only because she is having trouble with her blinkers in her car and took the car to an auto electrician and is waiting to hear that the car is fix and ready to be picked up.

My niece Kelli and Jono turned out with the boys Blain & Daemon it was great seeing little Daemon again, while they were here Blain asked me if I was Daemon's nanna and I told him no I am his aunty he took that bit of info in his stride and just said to Daemon my nanny is your aunty............it was really cute..............lol

Oh yeah I got a phone call not long ago from the doctors surgery I had a blood test yesterday to check my iron levels as it has been a month since I had the iron injections and yes you can guess it my iron is still low, yes the doctors don't ring with good news do they..........lol So at the end of the month I have to go back and see my GP about it I have no idea what will happen now..............

For the last couple of weeks I have been feeling like potato scallops from the fish & chip shop on a bread roll so today I decided to go down and get a couple I asked Tim if he wanted anything and he asked for 2 seafood sticks which I got for him. Anyway when I got home I made myself a bread roll using 1 of my scallops and ate it then I go into the kitchen to make the other roll and yes you guessed it Tim had taken my second scalloped and when I went to ask him about it he just smiles and say oh I thought you bought it for me and I was like did you ask for a scallop no you didn't. I was a bit annoyed that he didn't asked me and just went and ate it.  It was while I was eating lunch that Jessica and Leo turned up and that annoyed me too since I had said I didn't want them here early..............

Now I am going to post this and go and get the clothes off the line and then sit back and relax with a hot chocolate and a few biscuits............


  1. Congratulations on the expecting new grandchild, you all must be ecstatic.
    Hope your cough soon improves.

    1. Thank you and I am still coughing today I just hope it doesn't last much longer.....

  2. darlin you are a marshmallow! lol that's why people tend to do what they please no matter what you say. it's ok to put yourself 1st once in a while! of course you do love taking care of others it just gets old when no one seems to appreciate it. i appreciate all the comments and cheer you bring my way. you ALWAYS put a smile on my face and i hope i do the same for you! have a bright blessed day and try eating some liver for the low iron if you can stomach it. xoxoxoxoxoxo

    1. Me a marshmallow hmmmmmmm yummy marshmallows oh yeah that isn't a good thing........lol I tried having liver didn't help and since I don't like it that much I stopped eating it...........speaking of liver I remember when I was a child I loved it but at the time I had no idea what it was since it wasn't called liver we called it "lambs fry"

  3. Life! Lol
    Hope you were able to relax for the rest of the day

    1. Tuesdays are often not a relaxing day thankfully it is now Wednesday.......

  4. Its nice to have that breathing space sometimes especially when your not well as I feel like that with my niece sometimes after work.

    1. Yes but I would have to be pretty damn sick to say I won't have Leo for the night..........

  5. Ugh those men!!!!! My Husband does that too!
    Blessings, Joanne

  6. hubbies can't with them and it's illegal to shoot them..lol..hope you found some quiet time

    1. So true...........lol Today is a better day not so crazy

  7. It so nice to have friends and family that want and need us but there are day's it's nice NOT to be needed. Hope you feel better. Low iron just isn't fun.

    1. Yes you are right and I would have to be pretty bloody sick to say I can't have Leo for the night.

  8. Take care of yourself- you're no good to anyone sick!

    1. I will I am still coughing a lot but I don't feel that sick I just sound aweful

  9. I've found you have to say a specific time to people. Food stealers. I don't know what you do about them. You could have made him go back and buy you another one--LOL! ;)
    I'm going to watch a movie tonight with some ice tea. :) Hope you get some rest and feel better!!

    1. Tim has a habit of taking things without thinking but I love him and I put up with it........lol

  10. make sure there are marshmallows in that hot chocolate.

    1. Of course I don't add sugar I use marshmallows to sweeten my hot choclate

  11. Sounds like quite a day. Make sure you take care of yourself so you will always be able to take care of those you love and who love you!

  12. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Oh, not good things happened at one time. We do have saying for this in Japanese!!! Take Care of Yourself.
    Well, my husband rarely eat anything or even open fridge unless I put food or drink in front him, LoL. He sure is a typical Japanese man who is worse than my father on that point(^^;)

    Lots of love and hugs from sis-city in Japan, xoxo Miyako

    1. I do try to take care of me sometimes I fail.....lol

  13. Men and food. Sheesh. They're all awful.
    I hopeyou find a cure for that cough!

    1. Yes men can be so bloody frustrating at times.......


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