Wednesday, 18 July 2012

So Do You Think Life is Short or Long.............

Ok today I could tell you about mums appointment with the cardiologist but I think you may all be fed up with hearing about my families doctor appointments so I will not tell you that news today it will save till tomorrow or
Sometimes I wonder why we say Life is Short when it is in fact the longest thing we ever do, ok I know why we say it is too short because it seems to go past so fast we look back on things and wonder where the time when we look at our adult children and think it only seems like yesterday that they were little babies or toddlers but honestly during those baby and toddler days they didn't seem to be flying by in fact when you have a crying baby or a fussy toddler you feel like they will never stop and there is never going to be another side of the

Before we know it our babies are teenagers and again we wonder how long the nightmare will last, although out of my 3 girls only 2 of them gave me any trouble as teenagers and only one of those 2 was a wild/rebel child the other suffered from depression and looking back I would say she suffered also from ODD although it was never diagnosed but then you never heard of ODD.

So yes I had one wonderful daughter who never gave me a nights worry about her she was a dream so 1 out of 3 isn't bad is

Ok back to the topic I think life only seems short as we find our self approaching old age and sometimes we may start to think of all the things we haven't done in our lives that we thought we I am not one to have regrets about my life does that mean I have no regrets at all well maybe the only one would be that I never lived on my own before I got married but what is done is done and I can't go back and change it so I just don't worry about it..............what is the point with regrets what is done is done and if you think something may be a regret then do it and don't worry about it...............


  1. My daughter gave me more trouble when she was preteen. Now she's pretty easy. To deal with, I mean.
    Maybe they mean short compared to the age of the earth.

    1. I think life will seem either short or long depending on how old you are........

  2. As I get older, I see how spectacularly fast life moves along. And since none of us knows when our time will come, all the more reason to make the most out of each moment. Fill them up, and as you said, leave with no regrets.

    1. Yes goes by faster as we get older and all we can do is live our life the best way we know how

  3. Dearest Jo-Ann,
    While raising children, it must be really fast for every mother!!!
    I admire these mothers who have unconditional love (like you).
    I DO agree with Shelly; as we grow old er and getting busy give us no time to look back, haha. I am happy that at least I have no regrets up until today because I can say I have done my best each moment required choice.
    Love you always from sis-city, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Thank you for your kind words life seems to speed by the older we get because we start to realise that more people we know are dying........

  4. i am weird in that I've never thought of my time as long I've felt life moved to quickly and that little man grew to fast I don't know I guess for me life was never about getting to the next day but rather enjoying the one i had. ok it's official i'm weird

    1. Your not weird I also try to enjoy my life one day at a time, and get the most out of life...

  5. Isn't it interesting how perspectives change depending on what we're measuring something against. I guess I've always thought of life being short when compared with eternity. But if we live here and nothing comes after death (like one of my friends believes) then life could be considered long ;) Great thought-provoking post.

    1. Well I guess when we compare life to eternity then life is pretty short no matter how long we live for...
      I am happy you enjoyed this post

  6. Gosh I love your honesty. I know what ODD is and that must have been heck! My ex-SIL has ODD. And is life long or short - - sometimes it seems long to me and sometimes it seem short to me - depending where I am at at the moment. But even if you live to 100 - it is just a drop in the bucket compared to Heaven. sandie

    1. Thank you yes I guess I am honest compared to some other people but me I just tell it how it is........
      and yes you are right if we live to be 100 or more compared to the here after it is only short

  7. Oh, that kitchen photo, with the eyes opening and closing, is adorable! I LOVE it.

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my new grandbaby post.

    I'm finding at my age (72) that time FLIES by. It didn't do this when I was younger!

    As Chatty above says: 100 years here on earth? "A drop in the bucket compared to heaven." I'd change heaven to "eternity." Endless ages. My finite mind can't wrap around the concept, so for now I focus on the moment; on caring for loved ones; on looking for opportunities to help others get through "time."

    A thought-provoking post, Jo-Anne.

    1. Yes I thought the kitten was cute too..........yes the older we get the faster life seems to fly by but I think that has to do with the fact that we know more people who have died and that can really hit us.

  8. I love that kitten photo.

    To answer your question. My perspective all depended on where I was at different stages in my life. When I was 5 life and time seemed endless. When I was twenty-five, even thirty-five there was plenty of time. When I was forty-five time seemed to available but I was more aware of the fact that there would be an end. At fifty five time is moving way to fast and I am VERY aware of how much each moment counts... Sigh! Why is it we need to get older to figure that out.

    1. The kitten is very cute, and you are so right life seems to go faster the older we get............

  9. At this point... I never really gave the future much thought when I as growing up, right now I'd like to say I've done more, but sadly I just haven't and may never be able to. Makes me sad sometimes, but maybe I will get lucky. Just maybe! Hope the news was good for your Moms appointment! Happy Wednesday!

    1. I also never thought about the future when I was a child never knew what I wanted to do when I was a grown up I just drifted through life but I am happy and that counts for a lot

  10. You've packed so much truth into this post. I think the problem is I don't get enough of life. I could use another 100 years or so with my 30 year old body and the ability to remember everything very well including all of the lessons that I learn along the way.

    Tossing It Out

    1. Yeah I wouldn't mind living for a 100 or more years with the mind and body of a 30yr old as well, the worse thing about ageing is how our bodys handle the older

  11. Great post! I think life is both - short when you look back on it but long when you are living it. We should cherish each day as it comes and laugh as much as possible :)

    1. Yes that is a good point we do need to cherish each and every day of our life and make sure those we love and care about know it.

  12. They say that time goes faster the older you get. I believe it. When you are young you think I have plenty of time to do the things I want to do in life. When you get older you think when will I have the time to do things I want to do. Then you start thinking I hope I have the time to do the things I want to do. Whew... For me, I am hoping I still have time to do the things I want to do. I am certainly working harder on it now than ever before.

  13. I have 2 daughters. When they were teens, one was good and the other was bad--but they kept changing roles back and forth :o)


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