Monday, 23 July 2012

How Do You Like To Read Your Newspaper

Do you like to read a newspaper and if so do you prefer a large newspaper or a smaller paper that is easier to handle, or do you prefer to read your news online. 

Our local paper “The Newcastle Herald” is a smaller size paper but the “Sydney Herald” is a large paper and not a paper  I will read although I can remember back in the days the “Newcastle Herald” was a large paper but that was a bloody long time ago…….

Me I find I read the news online a lot now days but from time to time I do enjoy reading the paper. Now I hear on the news that there is talk about doing away with some of the newspapers and replace them with only online versions which you will have to pay to read. That pisses me off I can tell you I will not be paying to read a paper on line just not going to happen. What do other bloggers think about that? Maybe you live in an area that already has online newspapers that you have to pay to read. 

I know a lot of people might find it convenient to be able to read the paper on their ipad or laptop or smart phone, I am not one of them because I don’t have and ipad or smart phone.


  1. Some smaller papers around here have online that is free. The bigger paper just started charging for reading online. I won't pay for it either. That paper has gone downhill the last few years. I think the plan to charge will backfire. Oh, some people will pay. But, there are enough people that will get the news and put it out for free. MSM is getting really pathetic and puts out what they are told to. It is mostly that way in the US anymore.

    1. Yes I agree why pay for something that you will be able to get for free from a different source

  2. The newspaper in our city isn't very good so I don't subscribe to it. I look at bits and pieces of news online. My favorite newspaper was The Washington Post, long ago when we lived in Maryland.


    1. Our local paper is a good one but I will not pay to read it online in fact I rarely buy a paper I get most of my news from yahoo or the telly......

  3. I don't buy a newspaper and haven't done for years. Myself I read them online like you do, wouldn't bother to pay to read them. Someone will always tell you 'the news' of our home towns, who's born and who's died and so on...the news from the world, that will also be able to be seen in headlines. Head to Twitter or something and you can often find out things long before they are reported in the newspaper and even the TV...not a great fan of Twitter but it's good for 'things' just happening.

    1. Yes word of mouth gets the news out and around in a small community........I do like to watch the evening news on telly

  4. go to your local library website and find pressdisplay. you can read newspapers from all over the world for the price of a library card (free).

    1. I didn't know I could do that but I will be checking out my library website and finding out if I can

  5. I can't remember the last time I held an actual newspaper- I guess I only read them online now. Wow- that's kind of a jolt. I used to be a newspaper reporter many years ago and loved the feel and look of newspapers. How times have changed~

    1. Yes I agree it has been a long time since I read an actual paper too, just not something I do any more

  6. I know a lot of people pay to read newspapers on their kindle but like you I never would as you never get the 100% truth, there are always mistakes/lies and half of it you want to skip anyway. I have on the odd occasion read the local newspaper online.

    1. Yeah I guess some people would pay to read it online or on an ereader but not me........and yes you are so right there are so many mistakes or lies or different versions of the story it is hard to know what to believe.......

  7. I'm old-fashioned and like to feel the paper. I just can't get used to reading everything online with iPads, kindles, and such.

    1. I do like the feel of a paper I just don't buy or read them very often anymore...

  8. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Oh, lovely to hear the words your local paper “The Newcastle Herald"; really sounds close♡♡♡
    To, I'm taking a paper kind of national version and read local one through PC. We sure live in the convenient world now with lots of choices. Love to you from sis-city, xoxo Miyako*

    1. You are so right we do live in world with so many ways to find out what is going on locally and around the world......

  9. We only get the newspaper at home on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays -- but... that will change at the end of the month when the Calgary Herald stops publishing a Sunday edition -- they are a large format newspaper.

    I like the large format -- but find during the week, I only have time to skim for relevant articles and thus, read it online.

    1. We use to get the Saturday paper delivered every week and I would enjoy reading it but haven't done so in many years.

  10. i get all my news offline now, my homepage is yahoo news

  11. Replies
    1. I also have yahoo as my homepage and read the news headlines and some stories on there

  12. Reading the news online or on paper is frustrating for me because so many details are missing.
    I tend to stay away from the news....

    1. Yes you can read the same story in a number of different areas and get a number of different versions of the same story which can be so annoying

  13. i read most news online or listen to radio but I do get the Sunday paper because i have to have my coupons

    1. I don't listent to the radio but I do like to watch the evening news and have yahoo as my homepage and read a lot of stories there......

  14. We do not read newspapers at all apart from if we are in town having a coffee at one of the local bars.

    1. Yes if I go to Macca's for breakfast I like to read the paper...........

  15. We get a Gwinnett Daily Post everyday here and I never have the time to check it out. I do enjoy it from time to time. Blogging is really the only online reading I do

    1. We have get two different free papers here but rarely even read them I do like to get they and use them in the kitchen for food scrapes and other rubbish

  16. I do both. It's fun reading the (paper newspaper) in the morning on the patio with a cup of coffee. When I'm in a hurry ) allot these days) or just trying the catch up I'm online seeing what the world is up to. Just saying... :-), Susan Cooper

    1. I find it easier to check the updates online.....

  17. The only time I read a paper newspaper is when I am traveling and the hotel provides it free. I take it on the plane to read. Otherwise all my news is online. I don't have to pay for any of it though. I have not reached the point where I think that I have to pay for news since just about anything you want to know is online somewhere.

    1. I would read a free paper when traveling too, I also enjoy reading a paper while having breakfast at Macca's just don't do that very often


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