Monday, 2 July 2012

A Boody Cold Day And Shopping For Toys.........

Bloody hell have I been cold today when I woke up this morning I look at Tim snoring beside me and think why is he here, took a moment to remember that it is school holidays and he wasn't working today in fact he isn't working tomorrow either.

Anyway I got up got dressed put on some make up and left to go shopping yes I went shopping on a Monday I went to make a toy layby for Christmas, we can layby now and pay it off till Christmas Eve so it is a good idea. In fact I made 3 laybys 1 for me and 1 for Natasha and 1 for Jessica. I will help Jessica pay something off her layby and I will pay the one I made for Natasha in order to help them. Natasha's layby was only $50 but Jessica's was $210 and I will not be paying all that I will pay $50 off it for her though.

When I got home I thought how bloody cold is this house in fact I have been cold since getting home and had to go and change my clothes so I am now warmer and I know many of you maybe thinking put a heater on but hubby complains about me having the heater on so now something I am going to do.

Tim rang around getting prices for tyres for the car after ringing around 8 places he found somewhere that had them for $99 a tyre most of the places were between $150 & $200 a tyre so it pays to ring around. I remember when I met him he would just go to one place and didn't get shopping around he thought all places charged about the same so why

I was also annoyed when I got home this morning to find the kitchen a bloody mess but of course I said nothing no point I just unpacked the dishwasher and then repacked it and that made a big difference.

While I was out this morning I sent mum a text telling her were I was and reminding her to bring the Avon book and guess what she forgot she was meeting But she also forgot she had an appointment with Dawson's Psychologist.................she did turn up before I left and we had a chat and she gave me the Avon book.

Anyway I have done some blog reading this morning well after I got home and now I have read the comments from yesterdays blog which was great and now I am posting this and then I am going to watch "The Weekest Link".


  1. love reading your posts, besides you being a great gal i get a glimpse into how someone other than me lives...........and i gotta tell you i LOVE laybys so cute we call them lay aways here in america. lol have a glorious week and stay warm, it's been 100 here all week!

    1. Thank you yeah different countries may have different names for it but whatever it is called it is a good idea having months to pay it off.........thankfully today isn't as cold as yesterday

  2. It has been so cold here too. Let's hope the warm weather isnt too far away.
    You are organised starting your christmas shopping already.
    Although when I had little ones to buy for I did the same. Laybys are such a good way to shop

    1. Warmer here today not sure how long it will last but I did all the washing and got it out on the line. Yes layby is a great idea my girls didn't get it when they were younger but they now layby themself. Christmas is expensive so anything you can do to make it not bite so much is worth it.....

  3. I really like cold weather but really hate hot weather. Trade you weather.

    1. I prefer the in between weather not to hot or to cold.........

  4. As much as I hate the heat we have now, I understand what you are saying. I also dip into anemia, and that makes the cold even more acute. I hope you warm up soon. May your body be as warm as your heart already is~

    1. Thank you for saying I have a warm heart, if only my feet were as I do suffer from cold

  5. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    What an organized woman you are, making a toy layby for Christmas!!!
    Haha, I had to check the word "layby" with PC-dic when reading(^^;)

    We will have a heavy rain here tomorrow... Please don't get a cold☆

    Love you always from your sis-city in Japan, xoxo Miyako

    1. Yes everone in the family calls me organised I don't think I am though but maybe I am well I am more organised then my

  6. Oh my gosh, Christmas?? Yikes!! It's to hot here to even think about Christmas =P

    I love your picture about hugs...I need to keep that in mind today. Perfect timing, Jo-Anne, thanks xoxoxo

    1. The thing is Christmas will be here before we know it and I have taught my girls if you want to spoil your child you have make these toy laybys so you have months to pay it off.....

  7. You know, don't you, that the price of one bottle of wine will heat you house for several days. Something doesnot add up there.

    1. No I didn't know that but since I don't drink wine I don't think it would work for

    2. What I meant....Tim drinks a bottle of wine....the price of that wine, will heat your house for several days. something does not add up there. Turn up the heat and let him go without for a day.

    3. I got that I was just trying to be funny but I guess I wasn't now doesn't that

  8. I love your charming expressions, and I'm wondering where you live. We call "laybys" layaways where I'm from in Washington State in the Pacific NW.

    1. I don't think it matters if you say layby or layaway what matters is that you do it and don't end up trying to find the money for presents in December....
      am I right or am I

  9. wELL, you're certainly getting well organized in time for Christmas, aren't you?! But it really is a very good idea, to spread the payments like that. After all, it is July now, so half the year has gone. It will be Christmas before we know it! LOL!! It's flipping cold here as well, as it's supposed to be mid-Summer. I popped out this morning and had to wear my boots with socks. It's not good enough! I should be in cropped trousers and sandals. Hey ho!

    1. Well since we are in the middle of winter now I guess it is suppose to be Yeah Christmas will be here before we know it the older we get the faster the time seems to go

  10. Its meant to be summer here at the moment but it feels more like winter as it rains most of the time and like you I feel like I'm sat in a freezer. My mum and husband are like Tim in that they think its hot even when its really cold. My husband just wears a jumper in winter, I can't cope.

    1. I don't get how some people seem to not feel the cold but then I guess that is because I do feel it and I also feel the heat when it is hot and Tim doesn't either really there is something wrong with that Today it isn't as cold except when the door is open as there is a bloody cold wind blowing outside

  11. I'd trade with you. I love the cold and hate the heat and they're saying 106 F today! Awful!! Yup! I'd trade you.

    We call them layaways here in the Upper Midwest US, too. You are certainly organized to be thinking about Christmas already. Now you got me thinking about making Christmas cards...

    Have a really nice day and stay warm. :)

    1. Well when it is this cold I would rather the heat but then when it is really hot I want it to be cooler....I am never

      Yes I have been told by many members of the family that I am organised I don't think so I just don't like to leave things to the last minute

  12. i hate being cold it is so bad to be shivering all the time i like happy medium not to cold not to hot. great post by the way you always make me smile with your warm thoughts.

    1. I am like you like the weather to be somewhere in the middle of hot and cold, today it is not as cold except when Tim leaves the door open as there is a cold wind blowing......


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