Monday, 16 July 2012

Sicknes all Around

Good morning everyone, hope you all have had a great weekend................mine was pretty ok had Jessica and Leo here for a few hours yesterday and I also popped over to my parents place to hang some photos for mum but when I got there we could only find 2 hooks and nails so only hung two photos. I will be back there on Saturday and will hang the rest then for her............

Now to some news about my family my sister Sandra has had to go over to the hospital a couple of times in the last week due to being in so much pain, the first time they told her she was only having severe braxton hicks pains and sent her home and told her to rest. How much rest you are suppose to get when you have a 2 1/2 yr old to look after I don't know, anyway yesterday Ed (her husband) had to take her back to the hospital because she was still in a great deal of pain mostly in her back.........After being there most of the day she went home and was told to get a lot of bed rest, they did want to keep her in but she didn't want to stay she wanted to go home.  She told them that Ed had lost his job so would be home to look after her and that her mum is only 4 houses away to help also. I do understand her wanting to be home with her family but at the same time she has to do what is best for bubs (Denni) I do hope she gets plenty of rest. She was told she had pulled a ligament in her back and that was why she was in so much pain, she was sent home with Panadeine Forte but once the med they gave her at the hospital wore off she was in pain again and the Panadeine Forte only does a so so job of helping with the pain.

Moving on from Sandra to my mum this week she has a couple of Dr appointments today and then again tomorrow and I of course will be going with her in fact this morning as I write this I am waiting for her to get here to pick me's appointment is about a female problem and tomorrow it is about her heart..........she will be getting the results of the CT Scan of her heart that's tomorrow. This last week mum has been very sick she sounded aweful and she said she felt like shit, her throat was very sore and all she could manage to eat was soup but thankfully after a couple of days of complete bed rest she is now starting to feel a little better  I think the antibiotics made a big difference too....

From mum we will go to dad, he has still not been the best he has a problem walking and has had many times when he has stumbled and nearly fell over, it is a worry but the good thing is that his BGL is back to normal now he has finished taking the  Prednisone.


  1. I do hope everyone has a speedy recovery, especially your sister!

    1. Me too it is hard for Sandra feeling like this and having to take care of Temika..........

  2. I hope your sister gets well soon! sandie

    1. Yes I am hoping Sandra gets plenty of bed rest and feels better soon

  3. sending healing prayers for all! xoxoxoxo

    1. Thank you a person can never have to many prayers said for them

  4. Goodness! You all need some healing energy your way!! Let's hope this coming week is better for everyone. :)

    1. Yes we do indeed,I think being flu and cold season doesn't help.......

  5. Jo-Anne...I've missed you lately. I'm glad to be able to catch up a bit and know how I can be praying for you and your loved ones! You have such a big heart, your family is blessed to have you!!! Take care of yourself, too!!!

    XO, Aimee

    1. I am well more or less but can't say the same for other family members..........

  6. So sorry to hear about all the health issues. Hang in there... Hope all feel better soon.

    1. We are in the middle of winter so there is a lot going around and no soon do you get over one virus you get another one........

  7. Wow, when it rains it pours... prayers for you and yours.

    1. Thank you and it does seem like that with so much sickness going around the family

  8. Oh my goodness. You have had allot to deal with of late. I do hope it all gets sorted out soon and everyone is back to their normal selves. :)

    1. Yes we have had a lot of sickness and stuff going on in the family but such is life


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