Monday, 20 May 2013

Uncle John and a strange happening

Do you have a relative that comes to you in your dreams?
I ask this because last night 6th May 2013 I was dreaming and again my uncle John was in it, he is often in my dreams. He passed away around 14yrs ago and yes he was my favourite uncle anyway not the point, last night in my dream he was sitting on a lounge and I said something to him and he replied that he was just watching telly and then the tv at the foot of our bed turned on.

I thought what the hell and turned to Tim to ask him why he turned the tv on but he was asleep and snoring his head So he hadn't turned the se on I had to turn on the light to find the remote in order to turn the tv off.

This took place at the Grand Mecure Inn at Nelson in New Zealand and when I told Tim today about it he also thought it was strange and yes we both know it may have been a coindence but it was bloody strange.


  1. I do not have dreams with relatives, but my husband does. He dreams of talking with his best friend that died 20 years ago. He has also had dreams he talked with his grandmother who has also passed.

    1. I have had many dreams like this where my relatives who have passed will be in them.............Uncle John often comes to me in my dreams.

  2. I have dreams that make no sense at all and involve me running around, a lot.

    1. I use to have dreams about me riding escalators that go now where

  3. I do have weird dreams like that too. Ghostly story!

    1. The same thing happened the following night but I couldn't remember who was in the dream at night

  4. Now that is strange! Has it ever happened before?

    1. Uncle John has come to me often in my dreams the tv thing well the hotel had never had a complaint about it coming on and when it was checked out they found no reason for it to come on.......

  5. I never have dreams about relatives, including dead relatives. That's very odd.


    1. It may be odd but it has happened to me a lot Uncle John often turns up in my dreams

    2. Maybe Uncle John wants to remind you that he's still a part of your life.

  6. I have a lot of dreams about my son.

  7. it was no coincidence it was a visit. i'm lucky that my mama and grandma often visit in dreams , and my father showed up too recently. your uncle was simply letting you know he watches over you, it's a great blessing. I say just accept it and take comfort/joy in the fact that death is not the end. it makes me feel better knowing loved ones never really leave us!

    1. Yes I believe it was Uncle John letting me know that even when I am holidays he is still around watching me, he has appeared in my dreams often once he was with my two grandfathers that had passed all sitting around a table and when I asked what they were doing he replied just waiting.......

  8. It sounds to me like your uncle is trying to send you a message. He is telling you to pay attention and keep watch for something you need to be aware of. Just my thoughts.

    1. Maybe he is I know he will often appear in my dreams

  9. that is certainly a little bit strange

  10. Strange, indeed. I have to believe the reoccurring dreams mean something. That is quite odd about the TV though.

    1. Yeah it was the tv turning on that I thought was strange

  11. I don't normally have relatives in my dreams but sometimes my mom shows up or a guy that I used like when I was a child.

    1. The guy you liked as a child turning up in your dream would be weird for me...........

  12. I have dreamed about living friends, but I dont think I have dreamed about dead relative.
    You two must have a very strong connection still

    1. He was my favourite uncle and a great guy and is often in my dreams


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