Saturday, 11 May 2013

Feeling Down Wanting to go Home

Last night I slept a tiny bit better only woke up around 5 times during the night I am so looking forward to going home.

I don't know why but I have been so down today, in fact I have felt like crying most of the day we have done very little sight seeing today. We did go to the Canterbury Museum which was great I enjoyed it, then we went and got some lunch before returning to the motel for the night.

Tomorrow before going to the airport we are going to visit the New Zealand Air Force Museum.

Oh yeah I have forgotten to say that we are in Christchurch............


  1. Poor you Jo-Anne. So sorry that you're feeling so low. It has to be through lack of sleep. It's really miserable when you're awake so much during the night . Have a safe trip home. You'll be glad to be home in your own bed again !

  2. Let's hope you sleep better tonight and when you get home. I have never been home sick yet! but I understand from those that tell me, it's not nice...take care and safe journey.

  3. It may be because you aren't sleeping well. I hope you get a good sleep in. Take care~

  4. There is truly no place like home!

  5. I think you feel sad because you aren't sleeping well. You probably need your own bed.



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