Saturday, 25 May 2013

Nothing Much or my Boring Everyday Life

Hello everyone what a lovely kindof wet trying to be sunny day it is and I have just had a nice bowel of porriage and Leo is also having a bowel of porriage and he is watching Adventure Time.

Nows some of you may have wondered were I was yesterday, well I was busy busy busy and hardle opened the laptop let alone get online.

I did leave a Facebook post about how my neice was only inviting a few people to her wedding as they just can't afford to have a large wedding, this was done so that my daughters and my sisters kids would know why they didn't get invited but some cousin we don't talk to and my niece has never evern meet left a few upsetting comments about not being invited and I ended up deleting the whole post. I do not get why she felt the need to say anything at all.

Moving on today I have nothing planned except a trip out to the library followed by a trip to Coles (supermarket) if I can remember what it is I forgot yesterday because right now I can't remember what it

Ok tonight I have Blain here for the night it will be just me and him since Tim is will be at work so I hope he is ok when I need to go to bed early as I often do unless I manage to get to have a nap, which I doubt I will since I reckon by the time I can have a nap Blain will be here.

Last night when we went to bed Leo had to be carried into bed kicking and screaming and guess what he was asleep in less then 10 minutes............and he slept all night waking around 8am when he woke me up.  We have noticed a change in him he seemed a little more grown up last night and he is so cute when writing his name and even showed me how he could write his mums name "mummy"................

Ok I will post this then head on out to the library oh yeah I have to go to Big W to return the track pants I bought yesterday I got the wrong size not my fault the hanger had my size on it but the pants were a different size how bloody annoying............


  1. Your nothing much sounds pretty busy!!

    I noticed you have a spam comment here today. I have comment moderation to avoid that!

    1. I don't get many spam comments and you will notice it is now gone there are the only comments I delete

  2. It sounds like you're pretty busy today, too! It's good little Leo went to sleep so quickly after his tantrum and that he is growing up. Love how he wrote his mom's name- too cute!

    1. Yeah it is great to watch him act so much more grown up and hearing spell out his name and his mums name gettting the letters right.

  3. Kids put up the biggest fight going to bed when they are over tired. Luckily he went right to sleep.

    1. Yeah I knew he was over tired and I know when a body is over tired it is often hard to get to sleep so it was good that he was asleep so fast

  4. I'm so glad Leo is doing better. He was such a worry for a while. I hope you remember what you forgot. That happens to me all the time.


    1. As his behaviour improves I am hoping that Jessica will not feel like she needs me to take him as often as he prefers to be with his mum

  5. Is that normal? I don't recall ever being carried to bed like that when I was younger. My parents certainly would have mentioned it to me by now for a laugh.

  6. Always the busy lady. And I agree how annoying it is to not have the size on the hanger match the garment size

    1. Yeah it was annoying when I got home and went to wear them only to find them a bit tight not too tight but a little tight and next size up is a bit loose but I would rather loose over tight

  7. Some Facebook comments can be wicked, wicked nasty. It's a shame you had to delete that post, but I understand why you did.
    While we're on the subject....why wasn't I invited????? ;-)

    1. It would be a bit far for you to

  8. It's funny how nothing much can turn into quite a bit so quickly. I so know that feeling.

  9. You are such a great grandmother.... Hope you had a fun time.


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