Monday, 27 May 2013

How Many Children Do I Have................

How many children do you have? How many children do I have?

Sounds like a simple question doesn't it..............well I have 5 I know many of you will read that and thing no you don't Jo-Anne you have 3 daughters and you would be right. I have 3 daughters along with a sister who is like my daughter, she is 16yrs younger than me and I have always thought of her as my baby girl and yes when she was a baby there were times when not only did people mistake her for my daughter I would like to pretend she was my baby Then there is my sweetheart who is my youngest daughter who isn't my daughter Kelli.........

So I have my "baby girl" Sandy Mae, my "precious 1st born" Kathy-Lee, my "darling daughter" Natasha, my "special girl" Jessie Mae, & my "sweetheart" Kelli............see I have 5 daughters and they are all so special to me and I am proud of each and every one of them............they are all different but it is what makes them different that makes them so dear to me..............


  1. I like that your heart overflows with so much love for your daughters!

  2. What a special group of loved young women you call your own!

  3. I'm fortunate to have added a "daughter" to my two children. Now I can pretend I have grandchildren.


    1. One day you may have grandchildren they are such a blessing

  4. Replies
    1. As said I have three children born of my body and two that are like my daughters

  5. I love your capacity to nurture your family and be a good mother, sister, grandmother. Your family is lucky to have you.

  6. You are truly blessed. And I know all of them love you as much in return.

  7. I will say that family is not just blood. I have a very close friend that I consider to be my family and not just a friend. Family is the ones who give you comfort and help make you who you are.

  8. I know for sure that a daughter you love doesn't have to be blood


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