Monday, 29 April 2013

Change...................or not..............

If you could change one thing about your life right now, what would it be? 

Now as strange as this may sound for me it would be NOTHING………….yes that is right nothing I am very happy with my life the way it is now in fact as I look back over the last 50yrs of my life I can’t think of a single think in it I would change. 

I know I am very lucky in that I have had a good life and that I am happy with my life. Have I made mistakes of course, is my life perfect bloody oath not but it is a good life. 

I have a man who loves me just the way I am and 3 beautiful daughters and 4  amazing grandchildren but I also have some awesome siblings and I am blessed to still have my parents who I see every week.


  1. I am very happy, too, and am thankful for my blessings every day. The only thing I would change is for my older daughter and son-in-law to be closer to us. They live a good little distance away and it's hard to see them as much as I'd like.

    1. I am lucky that all my children live close by along with the rest of my family.........

  2. I would change my health.

  3. I'd like more money. Get rid of some debt, maybe move out.

    That be nice.

    1. Many of us would love to have more money me included

  4. Isn't it grand to be content? Every time I catch myself wishing for something I haven't got, I try to remember to be grateful for what I have, too.

  5. I wish I could say the same, my health isn't great, I am still living at home... my job isn't really all that satifying :(.... the only good thing though is that I have money to enjoy my hobbies :)

    1. Sorry to hear your health isn't great, I know many people who have lives that are not all they would like them to be I am a lucky woman and I know it

  6. I'd love to say I'd change nothing as well, but in regards to the loss of Mama MB I just don't know. Given the opp would I change something and do it differently... With hopes that she'd still be here ... I just can't say ... Maybe in a few years I will have an answer for that question!

    1. I think most people have things they would like to change I am lucky to not be one of them and to be content with my life

  7. Good for you! I wouldn't change anything about my life either.

  8. I would change my birth. It wouldn't have happened, and that would have made a lot of people happy.

  9. I love your answer - I wouldn't change anything, although I know I have made many mistakes, I just love where my life is right now :)

    1. Yes if we changed things our lives maynot be what they are and I like my life the way it is

  10. You are AWESOME! I would change a few things that would make me healthier and feel better but other than that everything is good....Thank GOD!
    Blessings, Joanne

    1. Why thank you, and it is good to hear thay you like your life too many of us would like to be a bit healthier

  11. I am pretty happy the way things are too. I would my kid would listen a little more but I'm sure any parent wishes that

    1. Yes kids that don't listen well that is pretty much every kid...........I know mine never listened when I wanted them to

  12. I don't know. I think I would change my husband's work schedule. He works overnight and his days off are Wed/Thurs so family time is pretty rare.

    1. Yeah it suks when work gets in the way of family time but sometimes we can't do anything about it

  13. That is such a great attitude for life.
    I am pretty happy with how things are for me too


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