Saturday, 6 April 2013

My Busy Life..............or...............Me Just Rambling On

What a few days I have had been busy as running around doing this and that, I have been visiting and reading blogs but haven’t had the time to write a post of my own so here I am on a Saturday afternoon finally getting around to writing a post. 

Last night for the first time a bloody long time little Leo decided to sleep in his own bed here, we have a bed in the spare room that the boys can sleep in when they stay over and for the first time in ages Leo decided to sleep in that bed. I was so glad he did so at midnight when I woke up to him crying, he had thrown up all over the bed, I had to get papa out of bed to take care of him while I striped the bed and throw the sheets in the washing machine and wash them. After I had remade the bed I went to try and get him to go back to bed but he didn’t want to, instead he wanted to just sleep where he was sitting on my arm chair so I left him there and a few hours later he came in and got into bed with me and papa. 

This morning he was complaining his throat was sore and couldn’t eat his breakfast, so instead I gave him ice cream, around 10ish Kathy rang and asked if I could take out some cold tablets to her. She was at work till around 2pm and of course I did, me and Leo went and bought her some cold tablets and then took them out to her place after that I came home and rang Jes and found out she was still in bed so I drove Leo home.

Then when I got back here Blain was here he had come over to play with Leo but I had already taken Leo home anyway Blain stayed for a couple of hours and then went home with his mum. Tim has now left for work so I have the afternoon and night home alone.

Ok what else on yeah on Thursday I had a phone call from the breast clinic they want me to go back and see my GP and stop the Plavix for a week or so and then arrange to have a biopsy done, I am not looking forward to that.  I do not handle needles well, ok that isn’t completely right I am fine with most needles but a big ass needle like they are planning to use for the biopsy isn’t something I think I will handle very well. Mum told me when she had her biopsy she went into shock and they had to keep her in hospital overnight. Oh well I guess I will find out how I will go when the time comes to have it done. I am not worried about the results in any way as I am sure they will not find anything bad but I do know it is better to have these things checked.

When I see the GP on Monday I am going to ask for a referral to have my iron levels checked again as I am getting very tired during the day again, I am back to needing a nap during the afternoon if I do not want to be in bed at 7pm.

Last Thursday I went with Kathy-Lee while she went to the doctors she had to go for her 6 week check-up and Summer had to have her 6 week needles/vaccine, she got a needle in each leg and they were given at the same time the nurse did one and the doctor did the other.  In the 6 weeks since her birth she has grown 1cm and gained 1kilo in weight. 

While I was there Jessica sent me a text message with pictures of Leo he had broken out in a terrible rash it was all over his torso and neck and face and was spreading, she had rang and made an appointment for him but rang me upset because the rash was spreading so I told her to bring him straight to the doctors which she did and she was but in to see the doctor not long after getting to the surgery. As it turned out it was an allergic reaction to something and by Friday he was much better but she didn’t send him to school anyway, bet the school were glad he wasn’t there.

Ok I think I have rambled one enough for this post, I will leave you all here………………


  1. I certainly hope everyone is back to full health! I hope it goes well with the biopsy- keeping you in my prayers~

  2. Hope the kiddos are all healthy and well soon.

    1. Leo is much better and me and Kathy well we are getting there

  3. hope everyone feels better soon hugs to all

  4. I hope you are all feeling well soon!

  5. I hate needles too. I just can't look when getting poked.

  6. I'm glad Leo didn't barf in your bed . . . on you. Elvis Aaron Schwarz had a liver biopsy last week. They gave him a shot that made him very relaxed so the biopsy didn't bother him too much.


    1. I hope I am given something to help me relax that would be good

  7. Hi Jo-Anne. Sorry to hear about both little boys being a bit off colour. Hope they'll bounce back to normal very soon. Little Summer is really coming along nicely. I think you're probably doing a bit too much again, and perhaps that is why the tiredness is back. I do hope you get to have some 'me' time as well as looking after the family all the time. What would they do without you?! Will be thinking of you and hope the Biopsy won't be too much of an ordeal for you. Take care.

    1. Yeah there are times when I am running around after this one or that one thankfully yesterday was an easy day didn't have to do much at all.......

  8. Such a busy busy lady, no wonder you get tired but it is still a good idea to check your iron levels.Hope the biopsy goes well and the kids are all recovered
    Hugs for you

    1. Yeah I know the tireness may just be because life is busy but as you said won't hurt to have it checked out

  9. You have been busy. Hope all goes well for you.

    1. Thanks life is busy but many of us have busy lives

  10. You've had quite the busy life! All I did yesterday was put down some grass seed and straw.

  11. Oh wow what a busy time for you. You are so great being there for your family. :-)


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