Sunday, 1 March 2009

A Good Night

Tomorrow I have to go and see my counsellor again so I hope the Dr has faxed over the referral. I have been thinking about getting Tim to come to a visit with me but I am just not sure part of me would like him to another part doesn't...........I guess I will go with the when in doubt don't

Last night I had Leo for the night Jessica went out for the night and he was really good although I only had 3 hours sleep before he woke up and stayed up for 2 hours but unlike his mother I didn't get upset with him at all.

This morning she sent me a text asking if I would take him to Sunday lunch and I said NO but she text back pleaseeeeeeeee and again I said NO but then she said she didn't know when she would be home so I ended up taking him. However when Lucas wanted their car I asked if Jes was home and she was so I told him she could drive him over to get the car and take Leo home with her......she wasn't happy about it but I didn't care.

Lunch was good only me and Sandra their with mum and dad although Sue turned up just for a visit and after lunch Sandra drove me home.


  1. You are one great Nanna.Hope tomorrow goes well. I have to go to the doctors for xray results hope the news is not too bad.

  2. Sounds like you are getting tougher Jo-anne...Good for you....

  3. HI Jo-Anne. I am back over here. Not having much luck posting or commenting on the blog pages..hope your counselling session went well for you. have a great weekend

  4. Hi Jo-anne..
    Hope the counselling has helped?
    Sorry I haven't been around for you lately...a bit self absorbed I'm afraid...

  5. Hi Everyone

    Yes the counselling does help and I am trying to be strong some days it is easier then others.


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