Friday, 27 February 2009

Today has Sucked

What a day it has been found out today my niece got a job also found out today that my darling husband has lost his job, this was not unexpected but still upset me. Tim is not upset as he feels he will get another job sooner then later.

He said he will start looking on Monday as he can't do anything this weekend as he has to He is working in Sydney driving buses for the weekend and in fact he is working every weekend for the next 6 weeks. Tim is not the type to do nothing and I know he will be looking really hard for another job.


  1. The economic crises sucks. Lots of people are losing their jobs, it is awful for them. It is good that he has weekend work but sad he has to be away. Hope he is successful getting another job, and its good that he sounds positive about it. Hopefully you will all manage O.K. We are both retired and are living off our savings and the pension but our money is disappearing fast with the market downturn after it took us 40 years to save it.

  2. You are not alone.....

    We have been warned of pending redundancies at work of our favourite couriers was 'let go' during the week - which saddened me as I would imagine he would be leasing a white van/truck to do the work for his company!

    Then there is all those people at Pacific friend in the US had her days slashed from 5 to 3 which on just covers her living costs - the next step for her employer is closure!

    I hope Tim picks something up - it sounds like he is one of those 'never give up' type of guys...

  3. that's awful. i hope he gets something soon

  4. Tim told me yesterday afternoon he thinks we will me ok money wise for the next 4 or 5 weeks and he thinks that by then he should have another job. Fingers cross he is right....


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