Wednesday, 11 March 2009

My Dad

Sunday night my mother had to take dad over to the hospital well it was really Monday morning as it was at 4am, He had bad stomach pains and really felt sick anyway they couldn’t find anything wrong with him but thought he might have a spilt at the top of the stomach so they sent him for a chest X Ray.

Well the X Ray showed a shadow on his lung the size of a saucer and it wasn’t there 5 years ago when he had his last chest X Ray, He has had a number of tests and we are still waiting on the results of some of them he has to have a PET SCAN but of course the machine to do the scan at the John Hunter is broken and he will have to go somewhere else to have it done so he has to wait till the 16th to have it done.

Found out this morning that dad does have lung cancer when mum told me this I had a good cry, he will have to have chemo but at this stage we still don’t how much of his lung with have to be removed.


  1. Hello Jo-Anne,
    I am so sorry to read about your dad. Treasure you time with him.

  2. Jo-Anne, I am so very sorry to hear that your beloved Dad has lung cancer.
    Sending love and warm thoughts

  3. Jo-Anne, that is terrible news and i'm sorry to hear it. you are in my prayers. Fran

  4. How awful for him and his family. Enjoy every day you can with him. Hopefully the op and treatment will help. My thoughts are with you.

  5. Hi All

    Thanks for the support my mum said dad is worried but she feels until they get more information she is going to try and not think about it.......easier said then done

    I did get to see dad today he was just dad sounding grumpy it helped to see him just being dad because even though I know he is still dad in my head it was like I don't know how to explain it just different.

    It is good to know you are all thinking of us.

  6. JoAnne. I am so sorry to hear this about your Dad. I hope you can all spend as much time together as possible, I hope your mum is coping ok too. take care.

  7. Oh Jo-anne I am so sorry to hear of this....Hopefully the news won`t be all bad....

  8. Thinking of you Jo-anne....Take it easy....Kim


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