Sunday, 25 February 2024

Week 8 of 2024


Up at 4.50am after a decent enough good night.

I have no deodorant as Jess ran out and came and took mine, and boy do I stink. I went in and washed under my arms. I turned the a/c on at 9am as I was sick of being drenched in sweat.

The computer was working well till 9am when it decided it was time to freeze.

I decided to start having an egg flip with or for breakie as I am not eating much during the day.

Had a really good night, slept well woke twice to pee but straight back to sleep.

Yesterday afternoon around 3pm Sam walks out of his room needing help with a bleeding finger due to a slip of the knife, he had been eating a pie. Anyway Papa helped him clean it up and cover it with a band aid, it's not a serious cut thankfully. I helped change the band aids this morning.

Sue popped over to see me no reason other then to make sure I am doing ok. I asked I she could send of the parcel for Thea & Daemon which she said she would do.

Tim had another meeting at work and they have terminated his employment this is ok, he was frustrated with the run around and he has no idea when he will able to go back to work at 100% and that's what work wanted to know.

It started to piss down rain around 10.30am and came over pretty cool.

Sam out early and Tim was just walking out to go meet him but he was already here.

After around 3hrs sleep I found myself needing to pee 3 times in under an hour, so I decided to get up for an hour or so. I did at last settled down on returning to bed.

I woke to find Tim asleep on the lounge at 5am, he moved from the lounge to our bed.

Had to ring Jess to wake Sam who's phone was going straight to voicemail, also been raining on and off and I am not suppose to take the scooter out in wet weather.

Due to the rain I rang and cancelled my podiatry appointment. As I sat at my computer and watched yet another very heavy downpour I decided to cancel as I am slow getting in and out of the car and if such a downpour happened when I was getting in or out I would end up drenched. I now go next Wednesday.


Had a really good night slept straight through for like 10hrs and haven't been shaking at all since I got up nearly an hour ago. Feels good.

The no shaking lasted till 8.30ish and even after it returned it wasn't bad.

Felt good all day.


Had another good nights sleep woke only once to pee and then straight back to sleep. Tremor wise I am not as good as yesterday when I got up but it is also in no way bad.

A warm and sticky day, had turn the a/c on at midday.

I have restarted my exercise program to help keep my body moving as it should, I got a little slack for a while but I think that has passed now.

Another good night, slept straight through again woke with very little shaking. I have the front and back doors opened and the breeze is nice, we are in for another hot day.

I had to go and wake Tim at 11am. He was shocked at how late it was and he was in a deep sleep as I had to say his name a few times before he woke up.

He had a phone call from Youi they said that the woman Sarah is going to help Tim find another job not driving heavy vehicles as he isn't cleared to do that by his doctors as yet. They guy also said something about how much they will keep paying Tim if he is unable to get another job but I can't remember what was said. The gist I got was they wouldn't be paying the amount they are currently paying but I am not sure.

Had another pretty good night woke when the alarm went off, much cooler this morning only 22 degrees better then yesterdays 38 degrees and should stay around the low 20's all day, with maybe some rain.

I was writing some letters this morning and when I tried to add a photo it came something about the graphics being missing or faulty what the hell, it was fine yesterday. I restarted the computer and it came good.

Been raining all day.


  1. I loathe high humidity, even if there is plenty of deodorant available. Everyone is sticky and cranky.

    1. Yep I feel the same way and if you have a shower to freshen up by the time you dry yourself you and sweating again.

  2. That first comment is mine too! :-) But too, I'll say I am SO GLAD that you have slept well!

  3. Getting good sleep can make a world of difference! Sounds like a pretty good week. Even the weather cooled down a bit. At least Tim knows where he stands now and can start looking for another job. Computer hassles are so annoying! I hope you have a really good week ahead. :)

    1. Yeah Tim will need to start looking for another job and thankfully the insurance company are arranging for someone to help him with that as he has limited skills and a learning disability

  4. Question: What is an egg flip?

    1. Answer: A milkshake with either 1 or 2 eggs in it and no you can not taste the eggs

  5. Sometimes, a reboot is all a computer needs to get its brain back. And yes, what is an egg flip, Jo-Anne? :)

    1. A reboot does help the computer work better an egg-flip is a milkshake with either 1 or 2 eggs in it and no you can not taste the eggs

  6. Good to hear you are getting a decent nights' sleep. I don't have the best sleep, I just bought a bought of tart cherry concentrate. I have heard mixing two tbsp in your choice of drink and drinking it should help calm me down and give me a more restful night. Will try it tonight.. lets see.

    1. Having sleep issues is so frustrating, I am glad that I am sleeping better right now, how did the cherry concentrate go with your drink go


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