Tuesday, 27 February 2024


Hello Tuesday, I hope everyone is doing well this weeks creature is the North American Beaver .

The first thing many notice about this beaver is its teeth they are large and strong , they use these to gnaw down trees and build dome shaped homes called lodges.

The can swim up to 8km/h with the aid of their webbed back feet and paddle shaped tail. They are also able to stay underwater for up to 15 minutes and have a set of transparent eyelids that function like goggles.

They are second only to humans in their ability to change their environment, felling trees to transform forests and fields into ponds.

The North American beaver is one of two extant beaver species, along with the Eurasian beaver. It is native to North America and has been introduced in South America and Europe. The North American beaver is one of the official national wildlife of Canada symbols and is the official state mammal of Oregon and New York.


  1. Oh yes the man mighty beaver! I think they’re cute but they can be a problem to some.

    1. The do look cute I will say that but yeah they can be a right pain in bum at times

  2. One of the most interesting animals of the world. No other animal can change the landscape like they can!

  3. Back in colonial times, beaver fur was a valuable trading commodity hear in the States. Interesting creature, indeed!

    1. Back in the day the fur from many animals was taken, since they are not that big I wonder how many beaver furs you would need to do something useful with them

  4. And they have to chew on things because their teeth keep growing. The gnawing on trees keeps them shorter. (Same with hamsters, etc.) They are interesting critters! :)

    1. I didn't know that about their teeth but it makes sense

  5. A creature we're a little too familiar with. I live on a lake and we've had a couple of beavers wreak havoc on our shoreline. One was enormous-about 65 pounds!! I always thought they'd be cute but upon seeing one up close think they resemble a giant rat.

    1. Damn now I will always think of them as a giant rat and rats are not cute at all

  6. We've seen just the one- but see his half-finished work often...


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