Monday, 5 February 2024

Some Facts About The Eart


Here we are at another Monday, which o f course means a day for some facts.

The thickness of the Earth's crust varies between 5 kilometres and 70 kilometres, the thicker part forms the land and the thinner the oceanic crust makes up the ocean floors.

The crust is broken into irregular plates which drift over the upper mantle layer near the Earth's surface.

The first landmasses appeared soon after the Earth was formed. They move, joined together and broke apart many times throughout history.

Many of the Earth's fascinating features occur at plate boundaries, mountain ranges were formed when two continental plates collided.

Volcanoes, ocean trenches and earthquakes are all the result of the movement of Earth's plates.


  1. I wonder if a 5k crust is thick enough to withstand earthquakes etc.

  2. Plate movement explains why Australia has such unique fauna in that country. Fascinating!

  3. I just watched a documentary about how there might be a super volcano under Yellowstone National Park over here. Makes you think!

    1. Wow, there is so much we don't know or understand about this planet we live on


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