Friday, 16 February 2024

Parkinson's Disease Pt 5


Sadly I have no more already prepared posts about Parkinson's Disease and the book I was using as a reference had to be returned to the library.

Let's look at Rigidity which is something I am struggling with myself lately. Most suffers don't notice and stiffness or rigidity of their muscles and may only be revealed after an examination by a doctor.

Muscles stiffness does cause a number of important symptoms which are commonplace and cause many considerable distress the most common is pain. It is not uncommon for suffers who have arthritis or other muscular conditions to have their pain misdiagnosed. Now treatment for these other conditions will not relieve the painful rigidity of Parkinson's an effective Parkinson's treatment is of course what id required.

The pain caused by Parkinson's is mostly felt in the back, neck, shoulders, arms and leg muscles. This is true these are the areas I feel the pain. It is a continuous ache made worse by exercise or fatigue. The pain is generally associate with exhaustion and the thought of moving from a comfortable chair is low, however, sitting doesn't stop the pain or even ease it and often normal pain killers don't help.

When the pain is in the upper neck or head the suffer may think they have a brain tumour or if the experience it int h4e chest they may think they have a heart condition.

Rigidity of muscles may cause an apparent weakness, however, when a muscular strength test is carried out all seems to be normal.

This symptom is nearly always associated with slowness of movement, which we will discuss in the next post.


  1. Such a frustrating and debilitating illness, Jo-Anne. I will keep praying!

  2. It does seem like a very frustrating illness - I am so sorry. :(

  3. With my fibro and arthritis, I can relate to the constant pain that is all over and the perpetual exhaustion. Both increase with activity. Don't have the rigidity or any balance issues. Yours is much worse than what I have been living with for a couple of decades. Just dealing with what I have been...I can't imagine how difficult it is for you every day. My heart goes out to you, Jo-Anne!

    1. Thank you, II am no alone many people have this or other debilitating conditions and yeah each day is a new day of struggles but at least I have a loving supportive family and online friends

  4. MY heart goes out to you as well. I have several friends here in town who have Parkinson's.

  5. Thank you for sharing your insights and experiences with rigidity in Parkinson's Disease.
    I appreciate your commitment to sharing knowledge about Parkinson's Disease and look forward to learning more about slowness of movement in your next post. Keep up the informative work!

    1. I need to educate myself which is why I decided to do these posts as I thought there are people out there who care about me and maybe interested as well

  6. This disease sounds awfully painful--I'm so sorry you are dealing with it. Thank you for educating us on Parkinson's.

    1. I never thought of Parkinson's as causing pain that was news to me


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