Tuesday, 13 February 2024



Good morning all you may have noticed there was no Monday post this is because I was pretty unwell throwing up, extremely tired and felt like shit.

Ok time for this weeks creature and it is the Axolotl know what this is, how about if I say it is the Mexican Walking Fish.

However, it isn't really la fish but an amphibian and like the frog and the toad they breath through their gills having three on each side of its head, just above the legs and skin.

However, unlike other amphibians they don't develop past the larval stage which is the tadpole phase in frogs, if they did they would become salamanders.

They are native to Mexico and considered critically endangered, in the will they live for between 5 & 6 yrs but in captivity they can live up to 15yrs.

They are able to heal almost any injured body part, regenerating arms,legs,tails,skin and even major organs such as the heart, liver and kidney.


  1. I must say, they have an alien look. Maybe, upon study, biologists could learn the method of their regeneration?
    Blessings, Jo-Anne!

    1. Yep alien looking indeed and if only we could regenerate limbs like they do

  2. Looks and odd sort of fish, but good to know about it Jo-Anne.

  3. So sorry you were not feeling well. I have to say that is a very unusual fish.

    1. It is unusual and I am feeling better not get great but better

  4. What a cute little creature.
    Sorry you were ill. That's never fun and I hope you're on the mend.

  5. What an interesting creature. Nature is amazing! I do hope you're feeling much better today!

  6. Wow that is interesting , I am pleased you liked the post


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