Sunday, 18 February 2024

Week 7 of 2024


Up with the alarm another cool start to the day, expecting a warm day, I managed to eat two slices of toast for breakie.

I went and had a 1hr nap this morning and it helped me not feel so exhausted this afternoon.

Had a bad night, restless and finding it difficult to settle, I woke at around 4am with my mask feeling tight but 4.50am I had decided to get up. I took my medication started to brush my teeth only to throw up. I also have a bad headache. Siting here I remembered that yesterday morning when I took my 9am tablets having a brief thought that I had three 100mgn tablets not two it was only a brief thought as I took the tablets and now I think that may have caused last nights drama and throwing up. So I checked online and I was right it would most likely be he cause. Although why it would take so long for it to make me sick I don't get.

After Sam left for school I went back to bed, when Tim got a phone call and saw me laying there very still he became worried and when Sue tried to contact me to see how I was I was that out of it I didn't hear the phone so she came over to check on me. Sue in fact told all my siblings I wasn't good and they all contacted me to see how I was. After a 2hr nap I felt better not great but better, it didn't last though.

By 3pm I was so tired I was having trouble standing and felt like I was going to fall over.

A new day not throwing up but very tired and nauseous, put my feet up and closed my eyes for 20 minute helped a little.

I decided to wear some eye shadow to try and stop me rubbing my eyes like I am trying to push my eyeball out of the back of my head.

I feel like I have so many things I want to do and no motivation to do shit.

It is a good thing our bodily functions like going to the toilet come natural and not something we have to have motivation to do.

I also closed my eyes a couple more times during the day.


Had a good night, I didn't tell Tim I had gone to bed last night because I was slightly annoyed with him. He came in and was annoyed that I hadn't told him I was going to bed so we were both annoyed.

It has been a good morning Tim off to another GP appointment then into work to hand in paperwork all up he was gone around 4hrs.

This arvo I started a letter to a pen pal in NZ and all was going good till the last save then print and it wouldn't save it just froze. I was trying to decide if I should lose the unsaved part and close the letter and try again when the computer decided to do a system update and restart. All was fine after that happened.

A good night I like good nights when I sleep well up at 5am when the alarm went off. Yesterday it was 32 degrees here, today they say it will be only 23 degrees. Even though it is cooler I am still drenched in sweat.

Tim lodged a complaint with the council about the garbo's making a mess when they try to tip the contains of one bin into another so they don't have to walk up the driveway. There are few of us in the complex that have the blue dot service this means we do not have to take the bin up to the top of the driveway, instead the garbo comes down and gets it. I wouldn't care about how they remove the rubbish except that a lot often goes onto the ground and they leave it there.

Had a so so night, woke up a few times, noticed Tim wasn't in bed he had fallen sleep watching TV again and it was 4.40am before he came to bed.

Tasha an I went to the doctors we both had appointments, all I needed to a referral to see the neurologist and Tasha needed a referral to continue seeing someone over at the hospital.

It isn't a hot day but it is still warm and I was drenched in sweat all morning, after seeing the GP I came home and changed my pants from longish pants to shorts, also was able to remove my shoes and socks.

Sam helped me get my socks on this morning but I managed to get my own shoes on.

Tasha was in a right mood when I rang to make sure she had the disability parking permit but this is because she was over tired and feeling rushed her mood changed by the time we arrived to the doctors.

Had some problems last night, felt a lot pain and had to get up and take some paracetamol and have a bit of a cry, I then went back to bed and settled down pretty quick.

Tasha came down and got my skillet (small electric frying pan) out of the cupboard for me.

Turned the air con on at midday couldn't handle the heat any longer.

Tasha came down to help me get ready for bed but she was in a rush, her phone kept going off either with a message or phone call.

After about 3hrs of sleep I woke enough to hear Tim speaking to someone and he said he was going to Morisset to pick up Kathy, Michael & Summer as their train had broken down and they needed a lift home. He didn't come and tell me and when about an hour later I got up for a drink and noticed there was no one in the house but me if I hadn't heard him earlier I would have been worried.


  1. Suonds like a lot of ups and downs this week. I'm hoping to hear about a week with all ups, health wise and personally. Maybe next week.

    1. At the moment life is up, down and all over the damn place

  2. Sorry you were sick. That must have taken a lot out of you. I have those days too at times when I wake up and have little to no motivation. I like to keep moving but when you just don’t want to, for whatever reason it’s frustrating. On those days I take it that my body and mind just needs a day off from motivating. 🙃

    1. It is good to read that I am not the only one who has days like that I am one who likes to get up and solider on despite how I feel

  3. Last night I slept the entire night through and needed my alarm clock to wake up. These are the small victories a man in his mid-60s glories in!

    1. Same here, such nights don't happen as much as they use to for this 61 year old woman

  4. What a rough week you had, Jo-Anne. I'm so sorry! Hoping all is much better this coming week for you.

  5. "It is a good thing our bodily functions like going to the toilet come natural and not something we have to have motivation to do." If I kept a book of quotes, that would be going in it!

    1. Glad you liked it, I have somewhat strange thoughts


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