Tuesday, 20 January 2015

I have experienced overtiredness again today

This afternoon I am going to write about being over tired, why, because I was experiencing the over tired symptoms. I remember Jessica saying to me when Leo was a baby if he is tired why doesn't he just go to sleep, I would say he is overtired and it is not that easy when one is overtired to just go to sleep.

Do you know the symptoms of overtired? I think it is something most adults do not understand as from the time we are young children we understand when we are feeling tired and we go to bed or get some sleep. Thus we forget the symptoms of being overtired.

So in case you don't know what they are I will list a few here, the ones I experience, shaking, nauseousness, headache, sore eyes, restlessness. When you start to feel like this you just keep getting more and more restless and things keep going downhill, till you get to the point when you try to sleep you find sleep is hard to manage.

You know when you are trying to get a baby that is overtired to asleep they will start to go drift off and then suddenly they will jump and start to cry, this happens because when you are overtired you will suddenly have these jerking moments they are involuntary, I know this because I have experienced them myself when I have been overtired. This is why when you are trying to settle an overtired baby you need to hold them tight to stop this happening.

This morning I was up and dressed by 8am and by 9.30am I was wanting to go back to sleep and by the time Tim got home at 10am I was really suffering from being overtired and needed to go back to bed which I did for 3 hours. I am feeling better but not great now.


  1. Yes. I have experienced this too many times in my lifetime...and still do. I hope you get some R&R time for a few days so you feel better.

  2. Nice to know I am not alone I think if young mothers experienced it they might have a bit more understanding for how hard it is for their baby

  3. I do hope you get a full nights sleep then...

  4. When I'm overtired my stomach feels like I've had way too much coffee and acidic. I'm miserable and I just want to be left alone when it happens. Hope you feel better soon. Have you had any bloodwork done? I found out mine was from being Vitamin D and B12 deficient. Now I take supplements and feel much better.

    1. Yes only just had blood tests done and both my vitamin D & B12 are normal

  5. I know what you mean. Someone explained it to me one time based on the chemicals in the body. It was interesting, but I don't remember the details. I'm too tired.


    1. Yes I get that the bodies chemicals could be out of whack when one is overtired

  6. I've experienced that before and I will be just fine if it never happens again. Though I did find that meditation helped a bit. I seem to feel tired a lot lately though. Not overtired, just tired.

  7. A lot easier for babies and little kids who get overstimulated. I remember coming home from hockey games like that. Thankfully grew out of it.

  8. I hope you get a full night of sleep for several nights in a row so you can get back to normal. It's horrible to feel like that and not good for you either.

  9. I get that when I have a weekend from hell. Sounds like you're weekend was pretty full.
    Are you sleeping well at night? Maybe that could be the root of the problem.

    1. I feel like I am sleeping well but who knows maybe I am not


Week 10 of 2025

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