Tuesday, 13 January 2015

I had a trip to the doctor...............just so you know

Ok we all have had a headache from time to time but the ones I have been getting the last week or so have been shocking they border on migraines and I have had to take really strong pain relief in order to function at all but of course the strong tablets make me sleepy and this means I have had to have an afternoon nap and early nights.

I went back to the doctors yesterday about my depression but since I was still coughing so bad he was worried about that and had prescribed me another lot of antibiotics and have to go back in a week.

He thought the reason my moods/emotions have been all over the place is because I have been so unwell and thinks once I am feeling better my moods will improve, we will see.

I also have to get a chest x ray and have some blood tests done which I though I would do this morning but of course Tim took the car to work so that isn't going to happen and of course the blood tests are fasting ones so can't go and have them done this afternoon it will have to be in the morning. I will have to make sure Tim knows not to take the car in the morning.

I have in fact not felt like doing much of anything the last couple of days but the doctor did tell me again that I should be resting in order to recover so not feeling like doing much is ok right now.


  1. Not good Jo-Anne. I truly hope you feel better soon. This must really suck for you. Hugs XX

    1. I have not coughed as much today and had a nice nap this afternoon

  2. Oh, Sweetie….I do hope you get better! I agree with the doctor…..illness makes you depressed….it brings you down! Keep us posted about your tests. I hope you don;t have bronchitis!

    1. The coughing has eased today I think due to the antibiotics but I still feel pretty tired and still have rotten headaches

  3. Agree with Art... thinking of you.

  4. I hope you get better too! You have a lot going on there. My daughter gets migraines and they are bad.

    1. Migraines are something you do not understand till you have had one

  5. I'm very sorry you're ailing, dear Jo-Anne. The doctor seems to know that he's talking about so get plenty of rest. That alone should make you feel better and lift your spirits. Sometimes baby steps are necessary to lead you back to wellness. I'll be thinking about you, dear friend.

    1. Yes I have sick for going on a month now and I am only just today eased up coughing, I am still coughing just not as much

  6. Yes, you have to rest! Take it easy! Be kind to yourself. I hope you get in for the tests in the morning and that you feel better soon.

    1. I am trying to take it easy and rest and today I have done bugga all which was nice

  7. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    May the resting help you and also hoping that your blood work comes back positive! Thinking about having headaches like that, with my chronic kidney disease I'm not even allowed to take over the counter medication... I try to relax and lie down maybe and drink LOTS of water as that often is the cause.
    Wishing you well!

    1. I don't know how people who cannot take pain relief cope, I take tablets and go to bed when it is really bad

  8. Awww feel better!
    Blessings, Joanne

  9. Let's hope this course of antibiotics fixes you. Hope you are soon feel better.

    1. They seem to be doing the trick the cough has eased a lot

  10. It seems to me that not doing much is exactly what you should be doing. Take it easy!

    1. So true and I am starting to feel better at long last

  11. REST my dear. Take advantage of the Doctors advise and milk it.

  12. Thank you for stopping by and commenting today :)
    I hope you are feeling better. Headaches are not fun. Caffeine sometimes helps me when my head hurts. Other times I find my neck is out of alignment and I go to the chiropractor for an adjustment. Rest well.

    1. Thank you the headaches are improving as in not getting them as much


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