Thursday, 22 January 2015

Happy Birthday Sydney-May

Guess what it's Thursday and not just any Thursday it is the 22nd and that means it is my beautiful granddaughter Sydney-May's 5th birthday. I can remember the day she was born as it was only 5 years ago and my memory isn't that bad.........yet...........

On the 2nd February she will start school which is another wow, her mum and Michael have asked us over Sunday morning to celebrate her birthday. I want to get my ass into gear and wrap up her present as I don't know if Kathy will be bringing her over this afternoon to see me and if she does I want the gift wrapped and ready.

What else it is another hot day here, so I have the air conditioning going of course. 


  1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Congrats with your cute granddaughter Sydney-May!
    Stay cool and drink plenty of water.

    1. I do drink a lot during these hot days, and thank you Sydney-May is so damn adorable

  2. How fast they grow. Have a wonderful time with your granddaughter. Time will fly and soon she will be all grown up... Happy sigh. 😊

    1. Yes they grow us so fast so we need to cherish each day we have with them

  3. Happy Birthday to a sweet girl! I bet that time has just flown by. School already--whoohoo! :)

    1. Yeah I know school she is becoming such a big girl

  4. Happy Birthday to her. Gosh, how times flies, it only seems the other day you had baby photos of her on your blog.

  5. Happy Birthday to your sweet girl! My little girl leved in Sydny her name is Millie. and Jack is little boy one years yaungar and I am reaving in Melbourne. .

  6. That's wonderful, Jo-Anne! Before you know it she'll be 15. Happy birthday to your dear little grandkiddo Sydney-May. That's a great name to have in your part of the world!

    1. Yes we like the name if only Kathy had spelt May as Mae but can't have everything


Week 10 of 2025

  I slept well woke only once to pee, a cool morning we are in for another hot day, with a top of 29C, it is currently 6am and 23C. Tim to...