Sunday, 4 January 2015

December 2014

Well we are into a new year but I will be telling you a bit about the end of the last year today, during the month of December my youngest daughter Jessica moved house and that means Leo will have to change schools when school goes back at the end of the month.

We have already enrolled him into his new school, I am unable to tell you which school he will be going to as Jessica has asked me not to do so, she also doesn't want me to say where she has moved to but I can tell you she is now only a 10 minute drive from me.

She did most of the moving herself with some help from her friends but no help from her dad as he didn't have time to help her.

The week after she moved she went and bought a new fridge and a new washing machine, yes new I told her that buying new would mean they would last her for 10 years or more as my washing machine is like 15 years old and the fridge is also years old.

She was given a second hand lounge from her cousin Heather and they even took it to her place for her. So she is pretty happy with things as they are now, they have settled into the new place nicely. 


  1. Wishing Jessica and Leo all the best as they begin a new adventure! :-)
    Happy New Year to you & your family! :-)
    Cathy@ three kids and a fish

    1. Thank you, it has started well and they do love the new place

  2. Sounds like a good move for you daughter then. Lovely to have a new fridge and washing machine.
    You won't have too far to go and visit and visa versa.

    1. Yes we like that she is nice and close enough she has even been able to take Leo over to Tasha's to play with Blain for a couple of hours couldn't do that when she lived in Swansea . Tasha is now only 5 minutes from Jess

  3. Exact geographical locations are not necessary. I have a good friend who posts her hometown as "Nowheresville."

    1. Yeah I know "Nowheresville" is a popular place to live and hang out

  4. Excellent news for your daughter. I wish her the best. Moving is no picnic as you well know I Let's hope the new year is fabulous for you and your family, XX

    1. Thanks she is happy and Leo even spent some time playing at the neighbours house a couple of days ago, all she really needs is to get Tim to put Leo's bed together

  5. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Great move it sounds like and glad she got helped out that way.
    Sending you hugs,

    1. Yes I was glad someone helped her as there was no way Tim could have done it

  6. Glad the move went well and hope Leo likes his new school. :)

    1. I think young children adjust to new schools pretty easy

  7. Moving is never much fun until it's done. When you're finished, well...? Everything's swell.

    1. Well it is all good once everything is unpacked and put away till then it usually feels like a bit of mess


Week 10 of 2025

  I slept well woke only once to pee, a cool morning we are in for another hot day, with a top of 29C, it is currently 6am and 23C. Tim to...