Saturday, 3 January 2015


Now in Australia when you hear those words you think of a TV show that ran for 27 years from 1971 to 1999 and yes I know that is 28 years but they took a year off in 1978. It's host was Daryl Somers from day one to day end, it started out as a Saturday morning children's program. It later became a night time show in 1984 and have to say it was Tim's favourite show, me I could take it or leave it but when Tim was home we watched it and have to tell you Tim was home most nights back then so it was pretty much always watched.

How to explain Hey Hey well it was influenced by vaudeville and the American Tonight Show in format and also was in parts kind of like The Marx Brothers or the Goon Show some will even same Monty Python. Does that help? Well if you have never seen any of the above shows or movies maybe not.

Now of course Aussie's will think of Ossie Ostrich when they think of Hey Hey because there was no way you could have Daryl without Ossie, Ossie was Daryl's puppet sidekick. He was a pink ostrich who had a light blue mohawk hairstyle he was good natured and funny. Ok in 1994 the voice of Ossie decided to retire so that meant Ossie had to retire and the show wasn't quite the same without him.

Of course you also may think of “Dickie Knee” when you think of Hey Hey, Dickie was a cheeky “schoolboy” ok what he really was, was a ball with a school cap and wig on a stick, he would pop up in front of Daryl or other guests and make rude remarks, Dickie was operated by a stage hand.

After the show ended there where some reunion shows which were ok but for me not great, although they did do well in the ratings with a peak of 2.64 million viewers (yes I got the figure from the internet) it even beat out the debut episode of Celebrity MasterChef Australia which only had 1092 million viewers again I know this thanks to the internet.

The show had a number of different segments which I think I will talk about in other posts just because I can.

Oh yeah the show is now online and can be found here:

Damn this post was not suppose to be about an old show how did I manage to get off course like that, I also could write more about the damn show and in fact may do so but not right now. I had planned to tell you some ramblings about my life but that didn't happen.


  1. LOL I get distracted like that, too. It's that time of the year when we reflect about the past while looking forward to the future!

    Happy 2015!

    1. Yes we do indeed spend some time reflection on the past, reflecting is good dwelling is not and I don't dwell on things I can't change or undo

  2. I often jump the rails too and get onto a total other subject. I don't know that show but there was a cartoon back in the 70's? here in the US called Fat Albert. Probably wouldn't be called that today. Anyway, he would always say, Hey hey hey, it's Fat Albert! That's what your post made me think of. :-)

    1. Hell yes I remember Fat Albert who would be called something else today of that I am sure I loved that show

  3. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Don't know that show and as a matter of fact very few shows... With our jobs we never had much time for watching TV and I don't even regret it. Would score very poorly if I had to join a contest!
    Sending you hugs and enjoy your first Saturday of 2015!!!

    1. I get that, there are a lot of terrible boring dribble on tv nowadays.

  4. Aw, it may have not been what you meant to write about (Hey, Hey) but it was a totally fun read. :)

  5. Sounds like a wild and crazy kind of show from your description. Popular and campy and silly. I can see why it would be fun to watch. :)

    1. Yeah it was kind of crazy but it was very popular

  6. We didn't watch the show, too many adds.

  7. Watched the show many times but not a great fan of it.


Week 10 of 2025

  I slept well woke only once to pee, a cool morning we are in for another hot day, with a top of 29C, it is currently 6am and 23C. Tim to...