Friday, 16 January 2015

Five Things Friday...............Funeral

Here is today’s Five for Friday yes I am posting early but will not have a computer for the rest of the day.

Off to a funeral

Only a 4 hour drive

Can't find knee high stockings in fuller figure lately...........annoyed wearing last pair today

No eye-shadow just in case I cry

I wonder how many more funerals there will be this year


  1. I hate funerals. I've told everyone that I want a wake and that's it. I want everyone to laugh and enjoy a gathering like we do now instead of being all sad and down. Safe travels.

    1. I have not been to a great deal of funerals, that effected me much really the only one was my pop in 2010 all the other funerals didn't bother me much

  2. A time to remember and pay respect. Safe journey.

  3. Great blog ! Do you want to follow each other ?

  4. Cremate me, then have a celebration of my life. Laugh, tell stories, and remember me for who I was. Hate funerals.

    1. I have told my girls it is up them to either bury me or cremate me I will be dead so really I will not care at the time

  5. I don't like them either Jo-Anne. Not a bit. And dressing for them is always so difficult in choice because you do want to pay your respects. Sometimes clothes don't cooperate or we can't find those we need. (((HUGS)))

    1. Yeah the funeral was ok mum got very emotional but I only shed a tear when they spoke about my nan (Nita's sister)

  6. I hope it wasn't too sad. And I hope you don't have to go to any more soon.

  7. Aw, safe travels, hope you find some knee highs and there are no more funerals this year. One can hope.

    1. I am still looking for knee highs it is very frustrating

  8. Sad news. The older we get the more funerals we attend. Sad....

  9. I'm sorry you lost someone you cared about. It's never easy. I have a friend in Hospice right now and every time someone calls, I fear it's bad news about her. Travel safely and come back soon.

  10. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Funerals are part of life and for every birth there will be a funeral...
    When I drive long distance I never even use eye makeup as it can run into your eye and annoy you.

    1. Yes funerals a part of life and have to say I know I am lucky to have reached the age of 52 and only lost a few people but I know the older I get the more people I will lose

  11. My condolences. No shadow or mascara if there are to be tears. Dark glasses work, though.

    1. Yes I only shed a few tears but was glad I didn't have eye makeup on anyway

  12. Hi, dear Jo-Anne! On the first day of every year I wonder what the year will bring, knowing that inevitably there will be funerals ahead. In the 12 month cycle that follows any one of us might lose a close family member, relative or friend. There will also be the annual harvest of great leaders, scientists, novelists, movie idols, television stars and other iconic figures that influenced our lives. Funerals are solemn occasions, but they help us to press the reset button, get our priorities straight and give thanks for every day of life we are given.

    1. Yes funerals do in fact do that, but they are a part of life I wonder how many funerals I will have to attend each year


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