Tuesday, 6 January 2015

About Leo and my teeth

Ok it seems I didn't write or post anything yesterday, how did that happen I opened a page ready to write a post and yet I wrote nothing. Now I know I opened the page then had to leave with Jessica to go to Leo's appointment with his paediatrician but them of course Jessica wanted me to go and do some grocery shopping for her and when I got home I had to help Kelli with some laminating and when everyone had left I had to vacuum out and tidy the kitchen and somehow along the way I forgot about my blog post.

Anyway back to Leo he is doing ok weight and height wise he isn't underweight as some members of the family thought and he isn't either too tall or too short he is pretty ok for a 7 year old, yes there are 7 year old who are taller then him but considering that he comes from a short family you really can't expect him to be tall.

His medication is to stay the same for now, another appointment will be made for us to see the paediatrician again around the middle of the year. She said she will do a letter to the school and send it out to us in the next week or so, so I hope she does. She said she will add to the letter that she wants to have Leo accessed by the school counsellor to see if he has any learning difficulties, we had wanted that done last year but the school never got around to doing it.

On thing I don't like about this new school he will be going to is that they do not have an OOSH (out of school hours) care centre near the school, the Fair Play Cafe operates an after school OOSH according to the school's booklet I read but it says nothing about before school I guess I would have to contact Fair Play Cafe and find out more.

I am still coughing like I am dying or something at times it seems to have improved but at other times not so much. I will get the repeat of the antibiotics on Friday can't do it before hand as I don't have any money for the script this lot run out on tomorrow so I will have to miss a day then go back on them nothing else I can do.

You know last year I spoke about how I can't have my false teeth in for very long and I wanted to wear them each day and work up to wearing them all the time, well that didn't happen here it is a new year and I still only wear them to eat when I remember to put them in so I am going to give it another shot learning to wear them by having them in of a morning and hopefully within 3 months I will be use to them and having them in all the time. We will see how that goes.    


  1. My thoughts: First, I wouldn't worry about Leo's size. When he hits teen years, he'll expand his taste in food and grow like a weed. Maybe not a tall weed, but a weed nonetheless. Do your falsies fit right? (Teeth, that is) I'd wait till I was done coughing to work on them again, though. No good if they fly across the room and hit someone.

    1. Yeah the teeth fit ok I have always had a sensitive gag reflex which is why I find it difficult to have them in for too long.

      Yeah I told Jessica that boys will often shoot up when they hit their teens and his tastes will expand.

      My brother never ate green veggies till he meet a girl who did

  2. That boy will shoot up like a weed in a few years. I wouldn't worry about the size too much.
    My mom had false teeth and I would have too had I not gone into the military. I spent the first six month going to the dentist three times a week.
    I have a lot of dental work in my mouth :)

    1. I only have partial plates upper and lower and wear them when I eat, as a child I sucked at taking care of my teeth. I have no doubt Leo will have a growth spurt in a few years times most boys do

  3. Best wishes with the teeth. I'm sure Leo's size is fine. Favorite Young Man is glad he is only 6'4". He think any taller would be too tall. He comes from a (mostly) tall family. I am the shortest.


    1. At 6'4" he would tower over me I am only 4'11" and my daughter Natasha is only 4'8" as I said we are short

  4. Good that Leo was in an ok range. As for the teeth... Keep working on it. I know you'll get there. :)

    1. Yes at least I wear them to eat my dad only wore his to eat for 25 years now he wears them all the time

  5. My family is short, too. We were always the shortest kids in our class. Nobody thought a thing of it back then. Dagan was very short until his very late teens and then he shot up to 6 feet. (His dad's side is taller.) I'm sure Leo will be just fine. :)

    1. My brother is the tallest in my family he is 5'11" I think and Dawson (his son) is also pretty tall I think he is about the same height as his dad

  6. Sorry to hear that you are still not well. Hope the next lot of tabs work. Good to hear Leo is okay.

  7. Dear me, not good not being so well, hope you recover quickly.
    Hope your teeth go ok...it's good Leo got on alright as well.

  8. Hope you feel better soon and that you are able to work with your teeth.....that would seem hard!

    Leo looks like a fine little boy .....all children grow differently.

    1. Yes I told Jessica he is not like Blain he is in fact as tall as Blain and 2 years younger

  9. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Glad I don't have to face that dilemma as I still have all my teeth; never had a tooth ache so far.
    Leo looks okay and you can cheer that he is okay weight wise and height wise; he still has lots of growth ahead of him too.

    1. I didn't take care of my teeth as a child and teenager and now I have terrible teeth but still have most of my own just not my back teeth


Week 10 of 2025

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