Sunday, 30 November 2014

Nothing much

Good morning world, there was no post on Friday or yesterday because both days I was as busy as and by the time I found myself with time to write a post I was just too tired to do so.

Yesterday I went and bought some Christmas decorations for Kelli and when Tim saw them he says “why do you keep buying those things” I told him they were for Kelli and that she had given me money to get them for her, that shut him up but really if I wanted to buy more for myself why should he give a rats ass.

Friday was a lovely day hot but nice and yesterday was pretty much the same hot but nice today is going to be another hot day as well. I have the girls coming over for lunch I made a casserole for Jessica in the new slow cooker.

I have moved the laptop back to the computer desk and will try using it here for a while and see how I go, the reason I stopped using the desk was because sitting in the computer chair makes my back hurt but we will see.

I wonder if I should do a load of washing today, properly I will do that when I get up from the desk as I have just got comfortable. I asked the girls not to get here before 10am as Tim didn't get home to late last night and I don't want him woken too early.

I have also printed off 8 letters to put in with Christmas cards that I want to write this afternoon. I have two letters to answer as well but I have to read the letters first and highlight what I want to reply to in them so I might answer them either tomorrow or sometime during the week.

I do have to go out today as I need needles for my Byetta I am out as I keep forgetting to get them till I have used the last one.

Ok so not much of a post but shoot me, ok don't shoot me as I do not like pain and don't want to die but you could shoot me with a camera that would be ok but no gun please. 


  1. Sounds like you are busy - but hot? It's cold here.

  2. Busy lady! What's a Byetta?

  3. I see you have a good sense of humour :)
    Men always don't care for Christmas decorations, well not in this house, but I put them up a little later.
    Seems you are busy as a bee...keeps you out of mischief!

  4. I must follow your good example. I have not gotten ANY Christmas cards and some will go overseas so I must get started! xox

    1. Yes sometimes it takes a bit to get started my mum only just made a start on her Christmas cards by getting them out and sorting through them

  5. I'm with you. If you want to buy Christmas stuff - go for it. Nothing wrong with lots of cheer and good will around the house :)

    1. Yeah most of the time I just tune him out when he is going off

  6. Wow you amaze me how you are so busy and still have a bit of sanity. Bravo. I'm so with you on christmas. Some would say I'm a Christmas-aholic... LOL

  7. Wow, you do Christmas Cards? I haven't sent out a card in years. My husband likes to, so I let him. Things sure have changed throughout the years. I remember my mom setting aside time to do her cards - and we would like the stickers to go on the envelopes. (Now they are sticky) and when we would get them, we would look over them and be so thrilled. Mom liked to show the off....

    Anyway, lets the holidays begin. I still don't get how you can feel christmassy when it is HOT (Summer) where you are. But then again, that is the way it has always been, so it probably would be strange to be in the snow during Christmas. :-)


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