Monday, 24 November 2014

What to do when you don't want your baby

Good morning world suppose to be another hot day here in Newie, I have been up and busy this morning as I am most days. I have to go out during the day, I want to take my old laptop over and give it to my mum I think it is time mum had her own computer to play around with yes dad has a computer but mum doesn't like using it so I am giving her my old one so she can decided if she wants to buy herself a computer.

Big news here is that a woman has been charged with attempted murder after she dumped her newborn baby boy in a drain in Sydney's west.

It is believed that the baby was in the drain for 6 or 7 days, before he was found on Sunday morning (yesterday) by a couple of cyclists.

So now the call has gone out for safe havens to be set up so that people can drop off unwanted babies but really I wonder how successful these are. I know they operate in some American states but I do not know how successful they are or how they work.

What do others think, are they are good idea?

I do not think it would had made a difference in this case as the baby was hidden in a drain and the drain covered with a large slap of cement, which makes me feel she wanted the baby to die and not just wanted to get rid of the baby.

As everyone knows I love babies and children and don't understand how anyone can harm a child but I know it happens there are some terrible people out there and many people who should not have children.


  1. Honestly, I don't know how well they work here. I can say that I RARELY hear of a baby being abandoned on the side of the road anymore. Sadly, it's the older ones you hear about, as most people don't realize that you can abandon older children at safe havens as well. Some sates have no age limit... it's a wonder more parents don't drop of their cranky teenagers. :)

    1. It is so sad when we hear of a baby being abandoned in a drain or rubbish bin, I didn't know that you could drop off an older child either I thought it was just babies......................I always said the difficult years are from birth to

  2. That's so sad. In the U.S. a baby can be left in a fire or police station or in a hospital. I don't know if those places receive many babies, but in the last few years I don't think I've seen as many news articles about babies who are thrown away.


    1. I think it is should have something like that in Aus, if it saves just one baby from being dumped in drain it is worth it

  3. I don't know how well it would work, but it'd be interesting to see it trialled because we don't know how big the problem is. There are so many people who'd like to adopt, but are unable to do so here, and can't afford to adopt from overseas - surely there must be a way to connect them with unwanted babies?

    1. Yes it should be tried here it may save babies you don't know if it will work till you give it a try.

  4. How very, very sad. There must be a better way... sigh!

  5. I think it boils down to selfish people who think their shame is worth more than a child's life.

    1. Yes I agree although I guess I am a bit strange as I see no shame in having a baby

  6. If you recall Jo-Anne, I was in a very scary predicament when I was a single young pregnant woman. For me the choices were simple. Birth, adoption or motherhood. While we do have these no penalty drop off points for mothers who don't want their babies, we still have these incidents of babies found in dumpsters, bathtubs and other god awful places. I just cannot understand the mindset of person who can do this to a baby other than total lack of feeling and plain old fear. Hopefully, these drop off places will become more publicly known around the world so the "word is out". Great post! Hugs XX

    1. Yes I feel a person has to be in a bad place to do this generally speaking yes there are exceptions but over all for a mother to do this she must be in a bad place and needs understanding also many will regret their decision after it is done.


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