Thursday, 1 August 2013

WWW................This and That............

1. What are three things you couldn't live without (not including food, water, shelter, etc)?
Family, Kindness & my blog............ok I could live without my blog but I don't want to so shoot
2. If you could only wear one beauty product, what would it be? 
Moisturiser it is a must to care for one's skin if one doesn't want to be looking old and wrinkly before their time.
3. Are you excited for the school year to be starting soon?
Ours started in January so it's half over and since I don't have school aged kids it doesn't bother me one way or the other.
4. What has been your favourite thing about the summer so far? 
Her smile...................oh yeah the season not the granddaughter well that would be clothes drying nice and quick and being able to peg the washing out anytime of the day and know it will dry.
5. What are some questions you would like to see asked in the We Want To Know Link Up?
Do you think your country has strong enough gun laws?
Do you think your country has a good health system?
Do you think your country has good wages?
Do you thing there are too many reality tv programs?


  1. I really like your questions on #5. It would be very interesting to read all the answers~

    1. Yeah I would like to know what others think about their country I know what I think about my country

  2. I definitely wouldn't want to be without my blog either! I've come to love it, ha ha.
    Those are great questions!! We will definitely have to ask those.

    1. Our blogs become part of us don't they........please you like the questions

  3. I too love question number 5. It will be interesting to know what people think. I too couldn't live without my family and friends and don't know what I would do without my blog. :-)

    1. Yes I am interesting in what others think about their own family as everyone knows is everything to me

  4. I love your questions. Our healthcare system is lousy.


    1. Ours has a lot of faults but is better then some other countries

  5. I couldn't live without my husband and kids

    1. Yep I get that as annoying as my husband is I don't want to imagine life without him

  6. I couldn't live without my family either. I am currently away from them for a week and I already miss them. I left yesterday and will admit that I would love to see them today. :-)

  7. I don't want to live without my blog either, but I suppose if I had to, I wouldn't die.


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