Saturday, 3 August 2013

It's Saturday afternoon and I am buggered

Yesterday it was my niece Kayla's birthday she is 10 now, above is a photo of her dressed as a princess I don't remember what the occasion was but doesn't she look beautiful.

On Thursday I went to Wakefield school for Dawson's open day, on the day he received and award which was great and he was excited that I took Summer with me and that he his other pop went and took his little brother Landon with him, he loved showing off his little brother and his cousin. Summer was a good girl she didn't cry at all but all in all she didn't have a lot of sleep that day. 

Many members of staff were amazed that Summer is mum's great granddaughter a couple asked mum how many grandchildren she had and were surprised when she said 17 grandchildren and 9 great grandchildren of which Summer is the youngest. 

Yesterday while I was at breakfast my sister Sandra & brother in-law Ed were there and I asked Ed if he had a good birthday and he said he did and I asked how old he was and he said 37, Sandra said he was just over a year older then her, she will be 36 in October and I was like what the hell how did she get to be

Today I went with mum to see nan we couldn't go on Wednesday as mum had her pre opp at the hospital and Thursday we went to Dawson's school and Friday is shopping day so it had to be today. Speaking of today I was up early and got the silverside on with the spuds and carrots did them in the slow cooker for lunch the spuds were a little under cooked but tasted ok anyway. 

Oh yeah yesterday I was pretty crook in the afternoon had a really bad headache and had to go and have a nap before tea and then after tea pretty much went straight back to bed, so it was good to get up this morning headache free.


  1. You niece is a cutey.

    I hope if and when I am a great-grandmother, that people will surprised that I could have great grandkids. No one questions it when I say I am a grandmother so I must look at least that old.

    Happy to hear your headache is gone. Have a great weekend.

    1. Yes she is, think she will break some hearts when she is a bit older, I was mistaken for Summer's mother on Thursday.

  2. Happy Birthday to Kayla. She's gorgeous!
    Glad you're headache free :)

  3. Happy birthday to her! Your mum is blessed with children, grandchildren, and now the greats, too~

    1. Yes mum and dad often say they think they are lucky to have such a large close knit family

  4. Happy birthday to the beautiful little princess.
    Hope you are feeling better. Headaches are just horrible

    1. I would swap the headache for the way I feel nose is driving me crazy it will not stop dripping well one side is dripping the other side is blocked

  5. said buggered. =D


    1. Yes I did.............meaning I am feeling stuffed, worn out and exhausted

  6. You must get tired looking after a baby all day. It was good of you to take her to the school to see Dawson. BTW do you know the real meaning of buggered?

    1. Yeah I know the try meaning of buggered...........I still chose to use the word at times and trust me nothing goes up my bum, generally speaking nothing I did have camera shoved up there

  7. You are always so busy, I don't see how you do it sometimes. :-)


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