Monday, 12 August 2013

A Wedding in the Family

Saturday was the wedding of my beautiful niece Heather to her long time partner Paul. It wasn't a fancy church wedding, instead it was a lovely back yard wedding, held in their own back yard. 

Heather's best friend from the age of 10 was an attendant along with Heather & Paul's two daughters Isabel & Holley. Paul's best man was their young son Lenny aged only 4. Heather looked stunning I liked he dress which I heard she got from City Chic. Lenny looked so cute in suit pants and shirt (no jacket), neither Paul, Lenny or Rex (father of the bride) wore jackets as it was a casual wedding but they all looked pretty smart anyway. 

I went to the wedding alone as Tim had to work and for the most part I had a bloody great time, there was very little in the way of grog there. Paul did bring out a couple of bottles of bubble and 6 pack of beer but that was all there was as neither Paul or Heather drink as a rule.  Anyway let's get back to me, I started to feel rushed a bit when Tim rang and went mad because I hadn't answered my phone. He ended up ring my brother who passed his phone to me to talk to Tim. My phone was in my bag in the bottom of my sisters stroller, me I was wondering around talking to be and watching the kids play and didn't bother to have my bag with me.  Well he wanted to know how long I would be and if I could go and get Leo after I left, I had Jessica ask him to go and get Leo as I had no idea how long I would be at the wedding. I ended up speaking to Jessica and telling her that she would have to take Leo to our place as I wasn't go down to her when I was finished. Yes I knew Tim had been at work all day but I still thought he could had gone and got Leo when he got home.

Moving on there was no reception after the ceremony, it was just everyone sitting or standing around chating and eating the finger food that my niece Kelli had prepared she did all the food for the wedding and have to say she did a bloody good job at it indeed.  There was plenty of food and it was yummy food indeed, I liked the home made meat and cheese pies and the mini cupcakes.

I did kind of wish I had taken Leo with me as he would have had a ball playing with all the other kids in attendance, speaking of grandsons my other grandson Blain was was there and in fact when I saw Blain turn up I got all emotional and started to cry, as it felt like a long time since I had seen him. Blain came with his dad and Kelli and of course his little brother Daemon. 


  1. Weddings always get me happy and a little emotional. This one sounds like it was terrific, all the way around~

    1. Yes it was and at weddings I think of my wedding and how I didn't have the wedding cake I wanted

  2. I wish them all the luck in the world - congrats.

  3. In this crazy, effed-up world, isn't it great to have something beautiful come along?

  4. Yay! A wedding! Congrats and good luck to the newlyweds!


  5. What a wonderful day surrounded by love. May they have a blessed life full of happiness. :-)

  6. It is great to see everyone being happy and enjoying themselves without too much booze.

  7. The group photos are so cute. Everyone appears happy and having fun. I think weddings do make people super emotional so I can see why seeing Blain made you teary.

    1. I noticed I wasn't in any of the photos, I just didn't think about getting any of them

  8. What a happy day for them and you!

  9. Weddings are awesome - all that love floating around everywhere. Glad you had a great time.

    1. I did it was one of the best weddings I have ever been to

  10. Congrats to the newlyweds~ I say a simple wedding is best! She had a beautiful dress. :- )


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