Sunday, 25 August 2013

High School......................Liked it or not................or neither

High school was it a great experience or was it a nightmare, or maybe it was just something you felt you had to do and all you wanted was to get through it with as little fuss as possible. 

I didn't give it much thought at the time, it was a place I had to go and endure, I was not popular and in fact I was picked on a lot of during high school and had only a few friends. Now despite how much I didn't like school, I went every single day more or less usually only having one or two days off a year due to sickness. 
I never skipped school, it never occurred to me to not go, I never tried to get out of going because it never occurred to me to do so. I walked to school most days also walked home most days, in fact I found walking home to be very relaxing a nice time to unwind from a day of work. 

I was not a A grade student, I was in a C class in fact I was in the class about the dumb class so not bright in any way shape or form, that said I was also top of my class not because I was the smart but because the class was filled with a lot of dumb assess who would rather spend their time talking to each other over doing the don't get me wrong I spent a lot of time chatting to Cathy ( my best friend) and eating junk food, yeah I would eat in class.

I rarely got into trouble at school both me and Cathy were considered to be good kids. We would both spend a lot of time hanging out in the school library and we both pretty much hated sport or PE although I think I hated them a bit more then Cathy did. 

We both left school at the end of year 10 after getting our school certificate, there was no way we could have stayed and done the higher school certificate we just didn't have the brains to understand the work.
Now days there is this big thing about getting kids to stay in high school to year 12 and get their HSC, but some kids just don't have the brains to do so. 

If you could go back and talk to yourself in high school what would you tell yourself?

I would tell myself that my life will turn out pretty great and that I will married a great guy, I wouldn't tell myself not to stress about my future since I never did. As I have said before I just driftered through life going with the flow.


  1. Now, my friend, I think they were mistaken about you. I think you have quite a good brain and a big heart. I'm sorry others were mean to you, but I'm glad you had Cathy.

    If I could go back and tell myself one thing in high school, it would be to lay off the partying.

    1. Thank you I never did any partying when I was in high school..........

  2. Well I think that people who think out of the box are brilliant, but teachers do not get it at all - my grandson is that way.

    Well, I loved school.


    1. I think if a person can love school then the whole school experience is different

  3. I really loved high school and did well but I think I wouldn't of taken it quite so seriously if I had it to do over. Now when I hear people talk about all the partying, I feel a bit left out. I had lots of friends but I still studied hard and was serious about having good grades. I did stress about things. But it all turned out well. I have a nice life.

    1. I also have a good life, and think it would have been great to love school, not being picked on and bullied helps I think

  4. I didn't really like high school but I did get good grades and I liked being with my friends. Interesting that you have a choice to get a certificate at grade 10 and can chose to continue or not to grade 12. Here, we have to go all the way to 12th grade. If I could go back and tell myself something I'd say to enjoy it more, learn more and don't worry about all the crap that seemed so important then. Fun topic to think about! Thanks for sharing it.

    1. I think most kids take school way to seriously, I am pleased you liked the topic.........I am glad we didn't have to go to year 12. In fact none of my girls finished year 10 all hated school that much they left as soon as they could

  5. I loved school, I liked learing and had a ball.

  6. I would tell myself to go to class and make more of an effort and not be so bothered by every little thing people said to me that I found insulting.


    1. You know if though I was picked on an teased I was more or less not bothered by the words of those I considered stupid.

  7. I wasn't popular in high school either, or that brilliant. I did much better in college, later in life. If i could talk to my high school self now, I would tell myself to not be afraid of failing, b/c that's how you learn. If we could all be OK with failing and just trying would be better for everyone.

    1. College isn't a big thing over here, I think people do better because they are that little bit older and being older makes a big difference

  8. I am probably not the norm but I loved highschool. Not because I was popular (quite the opposite) but I loved the learning. I loved homework and projects that I needed to complete.

    1. I loved doing projects at school but mostly the work was either boring or too hard for me

  9. I'd tell myself NOBODY's opinion of me mattered. At all.

    1. That is great advice, because so many kids worry about others thing

  10. I wish I had participated in more activities! My kids were involved in everything. When I was in HS, I was like, "we have a marching band?"


  11. I was like you I didn't mind being in school, wasn't popular, was bullied, was a bully and I was in the bottom set for everything. I didn't even get good grades but managed to study until I was 19. I could have gone further but decided to quit. I kind of regret that as the thing I studied the jobs no longer exist. I only just literally managed to get my foot in. I'm stuck.

    I would tell my younger self to study anything but to stay in education as a couple of years later the government will no longer provide free education for full time students over 18. Also I'd have better job opportunities.

    1. So I am not alone, that is good to know. I think many young ones do that quit get fed up with school and just quit and then years later regret it. But going back and doing more study either costs to much or they are so busy with other things that they just don't

  12. School was always a challenge for me but I enjoyed the challenge. (sometimes) I was one who would spend time reading and learning everything I could. :-)


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