Wednesday, 14 August 2013

What the Hell Number 2

It seems that stories such as “Fifty Shades of Grey” are to blame for people in London becoming trapped in handcuffs according to the London Fire Brigade, as in the last 3 years they have been called out to 79 of these emergencies. If that isn't strange enough or embarrassing enough there has been 9 instances of men with rings stuck on their penises…………..what the hell are people thinking

A groom in South Africa set fire to a wedding venue after the place cancelled his reception due to unpaid fees. Jean Greying 28 admitted to starting the fire which burnt down the hall near Bloemfontein.  Seems he thought if he burnt the place down he would not have to pay his bill, so the cake bakers and florist better be warned as they also have not been paid………what the hell was he thinking

An English woman has been charged with grievous bodily harm after allegedly biting off another woman's nose at a holiday camp. The incident is alleged to have taken place in the theatre area at Butlins in Bognor Regis on April 11 when a performance of Jack and the Beanstalk was taking place. 
Tina Love, 27, of Dartford, Kent, has been charged and bailed to appear at Worthing Magistrates Court on August 27. A Sussex Police spokesman said the 47-year-old victim was treated in hospital, "including an attempt to replace a piece of her nose which had allegedly been bitten off".
She has since been discharged from hospital to recuperate. What the hell…………….


  1. Nice job! You found better stories than I have this week...

  2. Well. That's another reason to NOT read 50 Shades of Grey. :-)

    1. I have not read the book have no interest in reading it either

  3. Wow. People are damn crazy! I think I'm the only American female between the ages of 21 and 51 who hasn't read Fifty Shades of Grey.

    Great post!


    1. That is for sure many crazy people in the world and I have not read it either, my daughter started it and only read a chapter she thought it was boring

  4. My daughter told me she thought it was a boring book and not something I would like, as I like interesting murder/crime books. Yes the world is filled with idiots

  5. Wow WTH is right. Ok I admit I have read 50 Shades of Grey and I can see a spike in "assistance" calls involving handcuffs.

    1. Since I haven't read it don't know about the handcuffs

  6. Hahahaha!! Sometimes enjoying a cruel laugh at others' expense is just the only possible response!!! Congratulations on giving the world's fools their place in the sun!!!

  7. What great picks for your "What the Hell" post. Awesome examples of idiots among us. People should really be ashamed.

  8. Oh My what an embarrassment it must be to call the fire department to help release you from handcuffs. :-)

    And the groom who burnt down the wedding venue is crazy.... not much of a honeymoon in jail.

    1. Yeah I don't know how you explain needing to be released from handcuffs, the groom was a right fool

  9. I have read about how STRONG the human bite really is...but that's incredible.

    1. Yeah I knew humans had a strong bite but this was really gross to me

  10. ok after reading this maybe i no longer have the urge to read 50 shades of grey

  11. It is a crazy world we live in for sure


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