Sunday, 25 August 2024

Week 34 of 2024

I had a good night, slept straight through till 4.15am when I needed to pee but went straight back to sleep. I didn’t feel like getting up when the alarm went but did so anyway, it is 13 degrees and my BGL is 4.3

At 7am while I was working at the computer, I started to fall asleep, so I moved to my armchair and had a nap for 1.5hrs. After that I felt better and managed to do the grocery shopping.

I have had a lazy day other than doing a load of washing, I have done bugga all.

Made some hot chips for lunch but after I started eating them, I no longer wanted them. How annoying.

Steps: 7,288

I had another good night, slept straight till 3.30am when I needed to pee.

It is 9 degrees and my BGL was 4.5.

The morning was cold but by midday it had warmed enough to remove long sleeve singlet and fluffy socks.

By 2pm it was cooling down again and I needed my purple jacket when I went to get Sam.

Sue made a caramel slice and sent some to me via Sandra and it is nice.


I had another good night, slept straight till 3.30am when I needed to pee. Then straight back to sleep, oh how good is that, although I have still woken up tired hopefully that will pass once, I get moving and doing stuff.

It is 8 degrees and my BGL is 4.8, it is cold enough that I have turned the heater on.

Ok I just had to put my stockings on as I am so cold, I will remove them when it warms up.

I removed a layer of clothes around midday.

Tim will be home later, around 7.30pm.


I had another good night, slept through to the alarm went off at 5am. I need my warm clothes on first thing then around 11am I was able to remove my long sleeve singlet and stockings.

We are in for a warm day with the top temperature being 25 degrees now it is 11 degrees and my BGL is 5.5.

By midday it was 25 degrees so a nice warm day.

It is 11.20pm. I have had roughly 2hrs of sleep and my body is now moving so much I cannot sleep; I will use the powerfit and go back to bed.

Steps: 7,5560

I had a horrible night from 11.20pm I was unable to settle as my body was moving so much. I used the powerfit and managed 45 minutes in bed before it started to get bad again. I had very little sleep, I finally drifted off around 4am only to get up an hour later.

It is 13 degrees and my BGL is 4.5

After Sam left for school, I had a nap and after that I felt fine, not as warm as yesterday.

Tim came home after his morning run as he had an appointment with the podiatrist.

Sandy called in to check on me.

It did eventually warm up.

I am going to bed at 7pm as I am just so tired.


I had a good night slept till 1am when I got up to pee then straight back to sleep till 5am.

It is only 9 degrees and my BGL was 4.9. It has warmed up a bit by midday it was 20 degrees.

I have a lot of lower back pain; I am also shaking more than usual today.

Tim arrived home at 11am after his doctor’s appointment. He will leave around 1.20pm to go back to work.

I went to bed at 9pm but due to the jerky movements I have been unable to settle, I came out at 11.30 to use the powerfit and write this it is now midnight, and I will shortly try to settle again as I am very tired.

Steps: 7,668

I had a rough night till about 12.30am when I settled and slept till 5am, I am still tired and may go back to bed after breakie.

The temp is 11 degrees, no BGL as I am out of test strips.

It is cold today and I am starting to feel not good at all, I’m hot then I’m cold and I have a headache.

We had pizza for lunch. I had to have a short nap after lunch as I was falling asleep.

The day has warmed up.

Steps: 4,0158








  1. You had so many good nights in a row, I hated reading about that bad night. Being able to consistently get a good night's sleep is pivotal to having a decent day. Hope your good nights are back soon.

    1. Yes I have more good nights then bad ones thankfully

  2. You did have some good nights with decent sleep. Who would have known back when we were young, that sleep would be so important. Take care.

    1. The young don't seem to need it as much as us older people and I do have more good nights then bad

  3. So frustrating when you have a few good nights in a row and then bam--can't sleep and shaky. Hang in there and I hope your days go okay even if you are draggy-tired. :)

    1. After a bad night I can just have a nap in my armchair

  4. Making hot chips for lunch is a delicious self treat, but it takes too much effort to waste them. I would take the leftovers into the back yard, cut them in half and throw them out to the local birds. They will love you.

    1. I didn't think of feeding the uneaten ones to the birds but that's a good idea

  5. It's good to hear you had some good nights. The temperatures always confuse me. We are finally turning cool and I bet you will be getting hotter.

    1. We are having some pretty warm days followed by some cold days

  6. A nice, no drama week! Also, Laurie will be looking into your powerfit thing, so if you could float me a model # I'd be thankful.

    1. I looked at the powerfit and can't find a model number the one Tim bought me is called Everfit, I just went to Ebay and typed in powerfit


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