Friday, 9 August 2024

A cold and Parkinson's Disease


Good morning, all, yesterday I was feeling pretty normal doing stuff and functioning ok this morning I again feel like shit, I ache all over and have a rotten headache and I am so damn tired. Yes, I still have a cold.

I am coughing so much as well; in fact the coughing woke me during the night.

I knew cold temperatures cam make the symptoms of Parkinson’s worse and it can increase our risk of falling but I was coping ok with the cold.

However, I didn’t realise how much having a cold could make me feel worse. I have more muscle and joint pain and I am a bit more restless and oh so tired today.

I am getting more cramps in my calves and the toes on my left foot keep curly making it difficult to walk.

Now some of you may be thinking of getting some cold medication but I do know that some cold medications doing go well with PD so not sure about what I could take.

Well this all I can manage today.


  1. When in doubt do without. It’s safer that way until you can check with your doctor. Get well!

    1. Yes when in doubt, don't is something I have believed in for a long time

  2. I try to avoid medications, also. I hope you sleep better and feel better and better. :)

  3. Sure hope you feel better very soon Jo-Anne.

  4. That doesn't sound good at all. I hope you can still get some sleep so that the tiredness will be less.

  5. Have you been tested for covid, Jo-Anne? Do see a doctor for this!

  6. Hi Joanne,
    If I may, I have a suggestion for you and all your a medical problems which I just learned about.
    You are likely to poo poo this as I orriginally did, but I'd suggest you do the research instead of listening to me.
    It appears that a carnivare diet can cure a lot of what you have from doing my research. Instead of me trying to convince you, go to Youtube and do a search on carnivore. DR. Ken Berry and his wife is a good place to start. I've been blown away by just how many people have cured their older age problems eating this way. Cures diabetist almost one hundred percent. Especially read the comments from people that relate their success in eating this way. I poo pooed this when I first read about this, but so many people have had success with this, I'm amazed.

    1. Yes, if you do the research, you'll find it even more interesting. Even helps some people's parkinsons. Most don't believe me, that's why I say do the research on YouTube. Not just once but a little bit every night and then you too might be amazed, like me.

  7. Just praying you get over this quickly!


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