Monday, 1 May 2017

It's Monday so did you know.........................

Well here we are at another Monday, and what a busy Monday it has been in way of appointments first up went to the doctor about hip pain he referred me for an X-ray so next stop the X-ray place then home for a bit.

However, while at the X-ray place my mobile phone kept ringing in the end I answered it but knew what the call was about before I answered as all the ringing made me remember that Leo didn't have his medication before we left for school and yeah it was his mum ringing to see if he had it as the school rang her when I didn't answer.

I then came home for a bit till it was time to go to the podiatrist for my diabetic foot check now I am home for a bit till I go to get Leo from school.

Pain has been sitting at a 7 when I walk and a 2 or 3 when I am seated doing nothing, I have managed to hang Natasha's washing on the line.

So being Monday means it is did you know Monday......................................

You can't catch a cold by sitting inn a draught, the change in temperature may bring on a temporary condition called vasometer rhinitis, which causes swelling in the tiny blood vessels in the mucus membrane linings of your nose and give you a runny nose, but it is not a cold.

A cold is a virus, just saying.


  1. You are going through it and I hope there is help for your condition at the end of it!

  2. Yours is the second straight blog I've read from a lady dealing with severe hip pain. I sure hope you can get some relief.

    1. I am hoping two weeks of doing nothing much helps and also hope this bloody cold goes away quick

  3. Let us know what they find out! Take it easy!

    1. I will and I will be getting as much rest as possible


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  The national anthem of Kuwait was written by poet Ahmad Meshari Al-Adwani with music composed by Ibrahim Al-Soula and arranged by Ahmad Al...