Saturday, 9 August 2014

Wakefield a godsend for students like Dawson

Good morning all what to write about on this nice warmish Saturday morning, well I could tell you a bit about Dawson's school presentation day which was last Thursday and I of course went, I always go.

This year his father came and his stepmother although we don't like the term stepmother very much in this family, his mother didn't turn up she said she had to stay home as people from “docs” were suppose to be turning up even though she had told them she wouldn't be home but for some reason they said she had to be there so she didn't come.

Although I can say she usually comes, anyway his pop on his mums side came, he always goes and he took Landon who is Dawson's little brother on his mums side.

This time Dawson didn't get any awards but all the teachers had nice things to say about him, especially his woodwork teacher. He want on a bit about how Dawson was very talented and how he would be an asset to any employer as he has a good memory and would be great working in a warehouse as he would remember where things are without any problem.

When we went to his classroom his teacher said that Dawson is pretty good at most things and is quite good at things he does with his hands, as in putting stuff together which we all know as he loves to do Lego’s really complicated Lego at that.

He has spent most of the year working on a coffee table in wood work and everyone wanted to know what he would do with it when it is finished, of course he is giving it to his nanna because he is very much a nanna's boy.

For those who do not know Dawson attends Wakefield school which is a behavioural school it was established in 2002 and is located in a rural setting which is why it is bloody cold there.

It has up to only 28 students usually from years 5 to 8 who are identified as having emotional and behavioural problems in their mainstream school. Usually students are still enrolled in their home school and attend Wakefield for 2 or 3 days a week for up to a year till they are able to successful return to their home school full time.

Dawson however is one of a few students who now attend Wakefield full time and 5 days a week which is good as Dawson likes going there and only has a day off when he is sick, when he had to go to his home school he was always trying to get out of going. So fingers crossed he will be able to continue to attend Wakefield next year as well, as he does not do well in mainstream schools.

The school's mission statement is to:

Provide a safe, healing, educational environment where students can maximise their learning potential and develop appropriate problem solving and conflict resolution skills.”


  1. The table Dawson made is beautiful and how sweet that he gave it to his Nanna!

    1. Yes we thought it was pretty cool and he gives most things to nanna as he is very much a nanna's boy

  2. Well done, Dawson. The table is beautiful.


  3. That is a gorgeous table and you will cherish it!! Glad he is doing so well there. :)

  4. What wonderful workmanship. This is beautiful. I love there are special programs designed for these talented kids.


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