Wednesday, 20 August 2014

A Family Update

Damn it is cold again today, I am so over all this cold weather I think the cold weather is part of the reason that my back is hurting so much.

Jessica is much better still not 100% but she is out of bed and sitting in the loungeroom playing with her phone and complaining about how loud I have the telly.

Didn't go to see nanna today as mum is not well and that is rare, it is not often that my mum is unwell.

This morning Leo slept in we had to wake him up at 8am to get ready for school, we leave the house by 8.30 although today it was nearly 8.40am when we left the house. After taking Leo to school I had to go and get fresh bread and nasal spray for Kathy and take it out to her, she is at work today and was having trouble breathing.

Speaking of Kathy she is not happy with herself at the moment I got a text from her the other day complaining about her weight she said her work pants don't fit and she has no idea how to stop eating the foods she likes as she has no self control I told her she is like her mum and nanna we all battle without weight from our late 20's.

Jessica said she will be going back to her place tonight she has been here since Sunday night and it will be good to have room in my bed again. Tim was saying that Leo was a right bed hog last night, usually it is me that Leo is sleeping close to and hugging during the night but last night it was Tim. I don't know if I will feel like have Leo Friday night or not I guess I will decide on Friday.

Yesterday Natasha rang me and asked if I would go over and stay with Blain while she went to the shops, he was sent home sick from school and she needed to get him some medicine and then later in the afternoon she rings and wants to know if I have $10 I can give her for food. I say give her as there is no way I would get it back and to be honest I wouldn't ask for it back that is just not me.

Kelli is doing better she is putting pressure on her toes now when she fell over she had Daemon in her arms so when she fell she made sure she fell in a way that he wouldn't hit his head which is why she damaged the tendons in her ankle. She says that Jono has been amazing helping with cooking, cleaning and taking care of Daemon and her.

My niece Kirsty and nephew Vaughan turn 24 today so a big happy birthday to them. 


  1. Jo-Anne, you have a beautiful family but I must say your post about it being cold brought a smile to my face. Here in Alabama it was 99 degrees fahrenheit but the humidity put the "feels like" temp at 107.
    We live in an interesting world.

    1. Today it is a nice dry and warmish day with temps of 16°C with it being dry it doesn't feel as cold

  2. Yep, it's the cold that makes your bones ache. It does that for me, and each year as I get older, I hurt more. Fun getting older huh?

    1. Yeah ageing sucks when we are young we often don't get what our parents or grandparents are complaining about but in a blink we find we have become our parents and are the ones bitching and moaning about the weather


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