Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Some People Make Me Mad Then.............. I Think

Good morning all, it is another cold and wet day here and I have Jessica asleep in the spare room again why this time you wonder well she is sick has been since Sunday night. She has a rotten headache and no voice and all over feeling like death warmed up, she is here so I can help her with Leo and she can sleep a lot and not worry about what he is getting into.

Now on last Friday while I was out shopping I overheard a couple of people talking behind me in the checkout line nothing new there but what they where saying at first got me mad as but when I came home I was watching a show about WW11 it is about Hitler's Henchmen and I thought in some ways these people I overheard where right.

What did these people say, well I will tell you they were saying how suicide was the cowards way out this made me mad because well because suicide is not the cowards way out it is sad and terrible when someone takes their own life.

However, all those Nazi's who topped themselves at the end of WW11 instead of sticking around and answering for their crimes they were indeed cowards.

What do others think?


  1. I do think those Nazis and other war criminals who chose that are cowards. I hope your daughter feels better soon~

    1. She is feeling a little better but not much her and Leo are here again tonight

  2. So nice that your daughter can stay with you while she's not feeling well. It's hard taking care of kids when you don't feel well, as you well know. People are ignorant to make comments like that. I agree with you.

    1. Yes it is hard and when you are a single parent it can be a little harder since you can't wait till the other half is able to take over and you go to bed. She is improving but is still here tonight

  3. You are right in my book, Jo Anne, hope your daughter is soon better. You are a good mother.

  4. I have a hard time with it being a coward's way out. A coward wouldn't have the "courage" to inflict the pain and would cower in their situation, changing nothing. Suicides may be doing it the wrong way, but at least they are attempting to change the situation.

    1. I know what a stupid thing to say, how could anyone think it was the easy way out or something a coward would do talk about stupid

  5. Hope your daughter recovers soon. She's lucky to have you nearby. There are no words for the Nazis.

    1. She is improving and has her voice back, as for the Nazis you are right there are no words well no nice words

  6. Things are not always black and white. Depends on the person and the circumstances surrounding their decision. In the case of the Nazis--yes, I think they were taking the easy way out, the coward's way.


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