Thursday, 26 September 2013

Who Want's To Know What My Favourite Colour Is

{1} If you could be any animal, what would you be? 
I don't know, really I don't know maybe a cat because they are usually pampered 
{2} What is your favorite color, why? 
Pink or Purple although recently I have found yellow appealing I like brighter colours
{3} If you could only have one meal for a month, what would it be?
Homemade fried rice or homemade pizza
{4} What is your dream car?
If I would be the only one driving it then I would go for a nice small car that is not to low to the ground.
{5} If you could be doing anything right now, what would you want to do? 
What I am doing.................sitting at home alone blogging or watching television.
That is all for today it is 4.30pm by the time I get here to write this and I am feeling worn out and tired, Kathy has not long ago picked up Summer and left and I have just had a nice relaxing bath.


  1. Seriously?? Fried rice and pizza are my two faves too!!!!!


  2. I would like to be my dog Franklin, if I had me for a mom.


  3. Lets see... beagle, blue, burgers, one that's chauffeured, cashing in my million dollar lotto card.

    1. Ok what I get from this is you would like to be a blue burger eating beagle who travels in a chauffeured driven car

  4. My dogs are pretty pampered. They live a good life. We make homemade pizza once a week but I don't think I'd want it for a month straight. :-)

    1. I know I really couldn't see myself eating the same meal for a month

  5. Rice and pizza for a month - lol. And I like pink and purple too - favorite is green.

    1. I love rice and pizza but think I would get fed up with it if it was all I could eat

  6. My cat certainly is pampered :-) I too love yellow and bright blues. :-)

    1. Yeah yellow is a nice bright colour and bright blue yep I agree with that

  7. Ha! Turnabout is fair play! Have you already shared your fried rice recipe on here?? I think I need it!

    1. I don't know if I have or not, I will have to check

  8. Oh...and did you know that you are a "no-reply" blogger???

    1. That is in fact not accurate because Jo-Anne, like me, have our Google+ connected to our blog. That over rules the reply. You can send emails via Google+ easily if you want/need to.

    2. Sorry, I forgot to mention that Jo-Anne has the advanced option installed for replying right here. So stating that she is a no-reply blogger is not valid.

    3. I have been told I am a no-reply blogger but have not been able to fix that, sorry

    4. Jo-Anne, you don't need to fix it; your settings are PERFECT! You are more advanced than most bloggers since you use, like I do, the Google+ setting already. In the future they will all have to move to that setting.
      ANYONE can reply to you via this format here; using the reply button!

  9. I think pizza makes a lot of people's lists. I am not sure I could narrow a favorite food to just one or two. I love a lot of foods.

  10. Cats are pampered because they demand it. As long as you're a house cat life is good.
    Heidi’s Wanderings

    1. Yes you need to be a house cat that is pampered, a wild street cat doesn't sound like a good idea

  11. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Most of those questions are quite silly... One meal for a month? Thirty days and usually 90 meals in total so why just ONE? I could easily live on some vegetarian salad day after day with some tofu added. Healthy, light and not as boring as veggies and/or fruits could be changed.
    Colors is difficult to reply to either, depends more on the season than on anything else. I don't wear pink in winter...
    Favorite car is the one I have still after 16 years, my cute ute; Toyota RAV4 2-doors. Because they don't make them anymore we kept it. Wish they could still clone them but people mainly opt for bigger and more gas guzzling. Personally I don't need a bigger size as I fit perfectly in this seat.
    Being a cat with owners like us, would be heaven but don't look at the millions of neglected cats in this world. So again, a silly question. There are always two sides to the coin.
    Hugs and happy new week!

    1. Yeah silly questions indeed, I would not like to be limited to only one food for a month


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