Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Good Morning................Foul Language is not for about you

Good morning, right at this time I have a sick Kathy-Lee here with Summer she has taken the day off work because she is sick and has a doctors appointment at 10.30am this morning. 

I will be going over to the nursing home with mum to see Nanna and if Kathy wants me to I will take Summer with me. 

Yesterday I went with mum to do her monthly shop and when I got home I did very little, a bit of blog reading but didn't get around to writing a post.

Now till the topic of the day...........................bad language in movies and television shows. 
Do you think there is to much bad language in movies and tv shows now days, I do..............really I do not thing there is a reason to use the "F" word in either, to me it shows a person has little imagination. 

However, the use of that word and others doesn't bother me too much, ok if there is swearing in pretty much every scene I can do with out it and may not bother with the movie or show.

At the same time I think back to when words such as Damn, Bloody, Hell and Shit was considered swearing and now days most of us do not think that way so maybe there will come a time when we don't considered the "F" word as swearing.

As everyone knows I don't swear but do use the words "Bloody Hell" a lot............

Let's move onto comedians most of them are not that funny and use foul language as the norm because they think it will get a laugh and make them sound funnier............wrong........ it just makes them sound like a foul mouth person. 

Yes I have a problem with foul language, I don't see the point in it, ok sometimes the odd swear word is ok but a movie full of it, I will often pass. Not that I watch a lot of movies but you know what I mean. 

Maybe I am just an old fashion or a bit of a prude but hell this is me, so take me or leave me.


  1. Most of the foul language used in movies isn't needed. I don't understand why they use so much of it.

    Heidi’s Wanderings

    1. I agree there was a time when it was unheard of and the movies were great.

  2. I hate swearing. NO reason for it, ever. It's lazy. think of a better word!

  3. I don't care for swearing in any form at all, to me it's a waste of breath.

    1. It is rare for me to swear it just isn't something I do, I feel no need for it

  4. doesn't bother me at all in movies/tv because you KNOW upfront what you're getting g with the warnings at the beginning of the show, and fantasy is about everyday life, especially when i'm around ladies/children I do NOT use bad language. I get on to people at my store all the time and tell them to watch their language. I will admit if I get mad enough to cry I will cuss you to the creek and back and being of southern descent (Alabama , USA) I can call you some stuff you aint never heard of! lolol

    1. That is the thing with swearing in movies ladies and children are often subject to it, which is part of the reason the young today think it is fine to swear at anyone, they see it in movies

  5. Oops...I have a potty mouth...


  6. I used to have an AWFUL potty mouth. It's much better, but I confess, I'm still a work in progress.

  7. I do think there is an awful lot of cursing in movies and sometimes the actors saying the line just sound RIDICULOUS! I have been known on occasion to slip here and there but most of the time I use "son of a biscuit" gets the point across :0)
    Blessings, Joanne

    1. I know what you mean sometimes the person swearing in the movie sound wrong and out of place

  8. Movies and TV have a lot of foul language that isn't necessary. It comes out of my own mouth regularly (usually in private), but that doesn't mean it needs to be on the telly all the time.


    1. I think if there was less bad language in movies and tv shows it would show the youth that it is not needed to be cool.

  9. You're going to be mad at me when I get around to my Samuel L. Jackson post...

  10. I don't have a problem with swearing really if people aren't using it because the are angry at another person such as the case of comedy or a TV show. I think it can be overdone. There is a website that lists the movies on how many times the F Word is used. For example in the Big Lebowski for example had it 260 times and the movie is only 117 minutes long. I would say that is too far.

  11. Foul language does not seem necessary to me in movies and TV. I believe that people are to liberal with their mouths in unnecessary situations. :-)


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