Monday, 23 September 2013

So Glad I Am Not Looking For a Rental Place

First up thank you everyone for the best wishes yesterday, today is a new day well now it is a new afternoon but still you get what I mean. 

I started the day watching my granddaughters Sydney-May & Summer while their mum went to work for a couple of hours, as soon as Kathy-Lee picked up the girls I left to go with mum to her 6 week post opp check up, all is good she doesn't need to go back and see the specialist. 

My sweetheart (niece) Kelli is now over at her sister Heather's place for how long I do not know but she should take it one day at a time.

Which brings me to the topic of today's post, housing, or more to the point finding a place to live.  It is no longer an easy thing to do, Kelli, Jono & boys have been looking for a place for months at this stage Jono & Blain are staying with Jono's mum and Kelli has been couch hoping, by that I mean she has been going from one place to the next staying only a night or two at each place.

On Saturday her plans for the night fell through and she didn't know what she was going to do, so I gave her a hug and told her that her and Daemon could come here, this took a bit of convincing since I had both Blain & Leo as well and she felt that I wouldn't have room I told her it would be fine and it was.  Tim & I were prepared to have her here for a few days but yesterday Heather said she could go there, so that is what she has done. 

Another one who is unable to find a place is my sister Sue and like Kelli & Jono she has been looking and applying but keeps getting knocked back. It is not easy when one does not have a job and only has a Centrelink payment, even though you can now have your rent paid via Centrepay which means they take the rent out of your money before you get it that way you will not fall behind. 

However when one can only afford to pay no more the $190 in Sue's case and around $280 in Kelli & Jono's case, it is really hard there is just not that many places around in their price range. 

Of course before you can rent a place you have to have bond money which is 4 weeks rent and you need to have 2 weeks in advance so before you can move in you have to have 6 weeks rent which is not easy for many people either. 

All the knock backs and getting over looked for a place is depressing for all involved and I feel for them, I don't my dad understands how hard it is to find a place as mum has said at times that he has made comments about Sue not trying hard enough. I think this is because he thinks there is heaps of cheap places around and you just have to apply and you will get it but it is not the case any more.

I should mention that Sue is living with mum and dad and has been for a number of months now, at 43 she didn't think she would be living with her parents again. 


  1. It is very hard and sad for people looking for rentals, especially without a job. You are so kind hearted to have them stay when you already had visitors.

    1. Yes it is, I am glad that I do not have to find a rental place, we will be here I think for the rest of our lives.

  2. Crazy how tight the rental market is these days. When I was renting, there was always plenty of choice. Nothing like these days when it is the landlord that can pick and choose

    1. Yeah I remember when finding a place was easy as...........

  3. My daughter and her son live with us! sandie

    1. We have had all our daughters and their child live with us at one point of another but now they are all settled into their own homes

  4. How tough it is for people to find reasonable housing--within walking distance of places like work and shops!

    1. Oh yeah when you don't have a car you really need somewhere in walking distance of shops and bus stops

  5. Oh, it must be so difficult to find a place when one's income is limited. Rental houses are cheap and plentiful here because the real estate market is so bad.


    1. It is very depressing to get knock back after knock back

  6. Gah! I'm 43...please don't make me live with my parents.


    1. I do not think I would be able to live with my parents again either

    2. I would be dead if I lived with my parents.

  7. My kids will always be welcome to live with me. I'm not so sure THEY'D want to, but this is always their home. Hey, I gotta suck up to them SOMEhow. I just hope they remember when it's time to put me in the home.

    1. Our children would always be able to come home if needed, and I know I would be able to go home to my parents place if needed but it is not something I would want to do

  8. That does sound very hard. Here we have new apartment buildings going up by the dozens but the rent here in Kansas City is incredibly expensive. A one bedroom is around $800 on the low side and a two bedroom is around $1200.00 a month would be fairly typical. I, too wouldn't want to be looking for something to rent. Here so many people have turned to renting though because it's harder to get mortgage money. Because I am a real estate agent, I can sometimes find first time home buyers government money or banks offering minimal down payments. The mortgage payment is often less than the rent would be. I realize that is not the case in other places.

    1. You can pay around $250 per week for a 1 bedroom here and for a 2 bedroom you are often looking at around $300-350 a week so yeah it is expensive here. A mortgage is often around the same price as you would pay in rent but you have to have the deposit and such first and then you have to be able to get the loan.............Kathy is paying $400 a week on her mortgage


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