Wednesday, 18 September 2013

A Stressful Day

Today I am worn out and exhausted and feeling oh so proud of my eldest daughter (Kathy) for having the strength and stamina to do it day in and day out, but then I guess when I was her age I had it too. What am I talking about you wonder, well today being Wednesday I have had Summer all day and since she is teething she has been a right little so and so. 

She started crying after her mum left this morning and she pretty much didn't stop all day, she only had about 55 minutes sleep during the day. When I went down to get Leo from school Jessica and Kelli stayed here with her and when I got back they both said that Kathy is amazing for being able to deal with her day in and day out while watching Sydney and cooking meals and doing other housework. 

Kathy has just left after picking her up and I am glad to be home alone in peace and quiet for the afternoon, tomorrow from around 7am I will do it all again. 

As I said she is teething and she is really not dealing with the pain very well, reminds me a bit of her mum. Kathy didn't handle teething well either while she was getting teeth but I do not remember he being as full on as Summer was today but then it has been 28yrs so I could be wrong.

Despite the frustration, I love having her here and love watching her while Kathy is at work being a nanna is a great job. 


  1. A good day's work- a labor of love for your sweet granddaughter. I hope the teeth come through soon-

    1. So far this morning she has been a bit better, at least she hasn't been screaming since her mum left.

  2. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Age does make a HUGE difference here and you got Summer on her least happy days. Teething is not easy for an infant to go through but we all went through that stage before...
    Hope you can relax now!

    1. I will take any of my grandchildren when they are sick if I have to, but since I am not as young as I use to be it does take a lot out of me.

  3. The older I get the less I can do.

    1. I think many of us feel like that, my mum is 73 and she still takes care of babies for sometimes hours on end

  4. The older I get, the less I *want* to do.

    1. Sometimes I am reminded how amazing my mum is since she will watch her grandchildren Temika, Liarna & Denni on average 4-6 days a week for many hours during the day and she is 73

  5. Oh I totally get this. I mean I'm not a grandma, but I don't have kids-I just babysit for my goddkids sometimes-and man I'm glad to be able to hand them back to mom at the end of a long day!

    1. You don't have to be a mother or nanna to get it you just have to take care of little ones, so I am not surprised you get it

  6. I agree, that I love having the grandkids here but on days that they are fussy, it is so nice when they go home. Being a grandma is great fun. I think it was easier being a full time mom when we were younger because we were YOUNGER.

    1. Yeah I don't get why a woman would want to be a full time mum in her 50's or older it is exhausting work, and you don't know exhaustion often till you are a mum

  7. Crying babies are SO taxing. I never miss that part ever.

  8. She probably wants her mommy when she hurts. I heard letting them hold a frozen waffle and putting it to their teeth is a good idea. sandie

    1. Yes this morning she cried as soon as her mum was out of sight and she had only walked down the hallway to find Sydney, thankfully she hasn't been screaming since Kathy left but she has been fussy, now she is asleep

  9. Teething is hard on the kiddos. Cold wet washcloths help sometimes. My daughter took forever to get one tooth to come in. I read someone that the slower the come in, the stronger they are.
    I am sure your daughter appreciates you for watching Summer.

    1. Yes teething can be hard some babies have no problem others have nothing but terrible pain. I know Kathy appreciates me watching Summer and I love doing it

  10. My mother-in-law said that when one of her children was teething the pediatrician told her to buy a bottle of whiskey. He said to rub some on the baby's gums and drink the rest herself.


    1. Yeah that sounds like a good idea, at the end of the day I have felt like a drink myself, and you know way back when rubbing alcohol on a babies gums was the norm

  11. You miss the kids when they leave. Until they return with their kids. Then you wonder how in the world you miss kids underfoot. Then the grandkids leave. And then you miss them. Circle of life, I suppose.

    1. Yeah I know what you mean, although I have never really experience not having little ones underfoot at least a few days a week as yet. I do love the quiet after they all leave and go to their own homes

  12. Oh, teething is so not fun. They don't understand what's going on and they make sure everyone knows. Hope you have a good day today.

    1. Yes teething must be so frustrating for a little one not understanding why they are in so much pain. Today has been another bad day

  13. Oh my gosh, she's adorable! Sometimes I wonder if being an older mom, like I am, is harder than if I would have had my kids younger. But then I think I would have missed out on all the fun I had and now I'm ready to be a home body with my kids.


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