Sunday, 22 September 2013

29 Years and a Full House

Today 29 years ago at around 4.15pm I became Mrs Meadows, so to mark the day Tim & I went out for lunch, we didn't go anywhere fancy just out the club "West" for a meal and to put a few dollars through the pokies by a few dollars I mean $5 each that is our limit. 

Last  night we had both grandsons Blain & Leo here for the night along with my sweetheart niece "Kelli" and her son Daemon, so it was a full house. Blain and Leo loved rough housing around with Tim, in fact they wore Tim

Both boys settled down pretty quick when it was time to go to bed which was good, Blain & Leo both slept in with me and Tim although it was the wee hours before Tim came to bed. Kelli had to carry Blain into my bed for me, as we put the boys to bed in different rooms so they would settle easier.  Tim did say he felt a little squashed when he got into bed I however didn't feel squashed at all although I was sleeping right on the edge of the bed. 

This morning Tasha turned up early to wash her car and she was here for nearly 2hours, after she left Jessica turned up to get Leo and after they left it was time for Tim & I to go out for lunch. Not long after we got back from lunch Kathy & the girls turned up, some times this house is busy as..........

You know to  what I did while I was writing letters earlier, I some how managed to lose a book of 8 postage stamps I have no idea where they have gone but I have searched and searched without any luck. I can only hope they turn up soon, it is very frustrating..........


  1. Have a wonderful anniversary! Love the wedding picture~

  2. Congratulations on 29 years. That is great!

  3. Happy Anniversary Jo-Anne! Congrats!!


  4. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! Where does the time go, huh? Mrs. Penwasser and I have been married more than 27 years. When I want to depress her, I remind her that she's been married to me over half her life. She's still sore that there's a strict "No Return" policy on husbands.

  5. Happy Anniversary! Cherish the quiet when you have it.

  6. Happy Anniversary!!! Hope you get a little quiet in your otherwise busy, busy schedule.

  7. Happy Anniversary! You looked rather solemn as a bride. Before my wedding my mother said I looked like I was going to the executioner. Little did she know.


  8. Congratulations on your wedding anniversary and wishing you many more yeas of love and happiness

  9. Look how rich your are after that day! All those people! Happy anniversary!


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