Monday, 31 July 2023

More wonders of Australia

Hello Monday, hello world, hope all is well in your part of the world wherever that is.

Shark Bay is a World Heritage Site in the Gascoyne region of Western Australia. The 23,000-square-kilometre area is located approximately 800 kilometres north of Perth, on the westernmost point of the Australian continent It. is so iconic that it was one of the first sites in Australia to become a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is renowned for its natural beauty, with aqua blue water, white sand and red earth. It's been described as one of the most remarkable places on Earth.

The Three Sisters are an unusual rock formation in the Blue Mountains of New South Wales, Australia, on the north escarpment of the Jamison Valley. They are located close to the town of Katoomba and are one of the Blue Mountains' best known sites, towering above the Jamison Valley

Lake Eyre, officially known as Kati Thanda–Lake Eyre, is an endorheic lake in the east-central part of the Far North region of South Australia, some 700 km north of Adelaide. It is the lowest point in Australia. The lake is also the largest in Australia.

In 1840 Edward John Eyre became the first European to see the edge of the 9,500 square kilometre lake. It was originally named in his honour. The official name for Lake Eyre was changed to Kati Thanda in 2012.

Cradle Mountain is a locality and mountain in the Central Highlands region of the Australian state of Tasmania. The mountain is situated in the Cradle Mountain-Lake St Clair National Park. At 1,545 metres above sea level, it is the sixth-highest mountain in Tasmania. A precipitous comb of rock carved out by millennia of ice and wind, crescent-shaped Cradle Mountain is Tasmania's most recognisable.

Wolfe Creek Crater is a well-preserved meteorite impact crater in Western Australia It is easily one of Australia's most stunning natural wonders. Sitting on the edge of the Great Sandy Desert, it's the second largest largest meteorite crater in the world and almost spans an entire kilometre in length.

Sunday, 30 July 2023

Week 30 of 2023

Got up to pee at 2.45am and had trouble settling back down and got up at 4.50am.

Tasha arrived around 6ish for her shower.

Another cold day my finger tips feel numb.

Jess came over at 2.30 to how me something on YouTube.

While watching YouTube last night with Jess, I fell asleep around 3.30pm and slept straight through to 2.40am this morning after getting up to pee I was unable to settle back down and got up at 4.50am.

Tasha is here having a shower she said she will try to have one at home tomorrow.

I had to get Tim up to go with Sam to wait for his driver due to rain, he wasn't happy.

Tim had a doctors appointment about getting ore time off work he has this appointment every month then he has to take paperwork into work for the next month.

This afternoon Sam rang and said he was home, Tim thought he was at home but no he was still waiting for Papa and his driver had to ring before Tim realised and went up to get Sam. I was just as thick it didn't click with me that Sam was wanting someone to go meet him. Also it was Sam's early day which happens every 2nd week.

Had a good night's sleep woke at 3am to pee and settled back down till 5am. Another dark wet looking morning but no rain.

Sam asked me yesterday if I would start ringing him at 7am so he has time to have a shower without feeling rushed so of course I said ok.

I explained to Sam that both his Papa and I were a little thick yesterday arvo when he rang saying he was home, they were ok with that not upset and said that they should have explained better.

Shopping came without a few items that I have asked Tasha to pick up for me today. She forgot my shopping Tim will get it tomorrow

Tasha had her post opp check up at the hospital after which her and Jess went out for lunch.

Another good night's sleep up at 5am dressed and ready for a day doing bugga all, well it often feels like that. It is cold of course but not raining which is good, I like it when it rains overnight and not during the day.

Sam had to go to school without their phone as they couldn't find it, I was surprised Sam didn't get all pissy about not having it.

Cleaners came I thought it was only last week that they were here but I was wrong.

Tasha asked her dad to go and pick up some fish and chips for her and Blain and he is pissed that Blain didn't go with him to run in and pick up the order, she just didn't think of sending Blain with him.

Had a rough night waking often for a bit before going back to sleep, I got up at 4.50am when I had enough and it was close enough to 5am.

Rang Sam at 7am had to ring a few times before there was an answer. After I came back from seeing Sam off I discovered that Sam hadn't taken their medication.

Tim has gone to cash in the cans and bottles. Then he is going to the supermarket to get a couple of things for me.

Sandy called in and dropped off postage stamps which we attached to the letters and she took the letters to post for me. She is still having trouble getting Temika to go to school. Only a few nights back I had a dream with mum telling me Temika needs to go to a special school for someone with anxiety issues.

Up at 5am. Not as cold this morning.

Sandy called in so Denni could use the toilet she had locked herself out of her place, so rang the estate agent to see if they had a key which of course they did, thankfully her estate agent is only a 10 minute drive away.

Been a warmish day, and of course I have my long sleeve singlet on but can't be bothered to take it off.

Had a decent night up at 5am put a long sleeve singlet but after 5 minutes I took it off as I was already feeling hot. At 6.30am I had to put the singlet back on as I was cold again.

While writing letters I some how manage to delete a heap of files that I could not find, took me well over an hour & half to find them and restore them. This was made harder by me shaking so damn much.

Kathy and the girls came over, Kathy and Syd are both sick with a cold. Kathy changed the sheets on our bed.

Tim and Kathy hung a few more photos for me.

Sandy dropped in a caramel slice for me. It was yummy.

Friday, 28 July 2023

Jo-Anne's Thoughts

 Good morning all this cold Friday morning, I have been thinking a bit about saying “love you” or “I love you” each time you hang up a phone call from a close family member or friend.

I ring my grandchild Sam each morning Monday to Friday in order to make said child is awake and out of bed early enough to have a shower and get ready for school. Sam's mother maybe there but will be sleeping, any not what this is about. At the end of each call we both say “love you” before hanging up. The same goes for all my daughters, grandchildren, husband and siblings and of course to Mum & Dad when they were alive.

Whenever I see one of my siblings I will give them a hug and a kiss on the cheek, like I do when I see one of my daughters or grandchildren.

In my family this is normal, however, I know that it isn't the case in many families. When I first met Tim he found it strange that we were such a huggy kissy family as his family never did such a thing. He could never imagine hugging or kissing his family members.

It wasn't something done in my dad's family before he met mum it never occurred to him to say or do such a thing. Dad said mum showed him what a loving family could be.

When my brother who is now in his 40's was in his late teens early twenties he surprised our dad by giving him a hug and kiss on the cheek before leaving to go out at night with his mates as his mate was right there watching. Dave didn't care it was what we do.

Tim never leaves the house without giving me a kiss and telling me he loves me. Also like me he finishes a phone call with love you, see you soon. All my girls end calls to their children the same way.

Thursday, 27 July 2023

History of the blackboard


Every second week I think I might do a post on the history of something, starting today.

Here is another history of something post and this weeks something is the old school blackboard which is now pretty much obsolete. In some places they may have been called a chalkboard, here in Aus it has always been called a blackboard.

As a child I had a blackboard that my dad would freshen up with blackboard paint, when needed.

In 1801, the rather obvious solution to the problem made its debut. James Pillans, headmaster and geography teacher at the Old High School in Edinburgh, Scotland, is credited with inventing the first modern blackboard when he hung a large piece of slate on the classroom wall.

Manufacturing of slate blackboards began by the 1840s. Green porcelain enamel surface, was first used in 1930, and as this type of boards became popular, the word "chalkboard" appeared. In the US green porcelain enamelled boards started to appear at schools in 1950s.

So what's up with the name? Originally, blackboards really were black. Before wall-sized chalkboards existed, late 18th-century students used their own mini boards made of slate or painted wood, according to Concordia University. Those first boards were, in fact, black, and they paved the way for the larger ones

In any case, early blackboards were primitive, made from materials such as pine covered with a mixture of egg white and carbon from charred potatoes. Or a paste of lime, plaster of Paris and lampblack might simply be spread on a classroom wall.

By the 1970s, whiteboards were slowly being adopted in schools. The amount of dust created when using and cleaning chalkboards was a major catalyst for many switches from blackboards to whiteboards.

Wednesday, 26 July 2023

Aussie Slang


Here we are on another cold but dry Wednesday so it is time for this week's Aussie slang.

Battler: Hard working, barely making ends meet

Boomer: Large male kangaroo

Bush Telly: Campfire

Bushie: Someone who lives in the bush

BYOG: Bring Your Own Grog

Of these the only one new to me is the bush telly haven't heard that before. My parents were battlers same can be said for Tim & I

Tuesday, 25 July 2023

Creature Day


Well this morning it is another cold morning had over night rain and have unpacked the groceries. Anyway here is this weeks creature it is the greater flamingo, this regal looking bird owes its exquisite pink colour to the animals it eats, which are prawn like crustaceans that live in the saltwater mudflaps of south-western Europe.

Stirring up the mud with its webbed feet, the flamingo buries its long, bent beak, and sometimes its whole head, in the water to suck up the tiny treats.

Its tongue pumps up and down pushing the water out of its mouth and trapping the food in tiny filters. The greater flamingo is the largest of the family at 1.5m tall.

The live and breed in colonies of up to 200,000, there are safety in numbers, while some birds stand watch while others can feed. A loud deep warning honk, similar to that of a goose, alerts them to predators.

The greater flamingo is the most widespread and largest species of the flamingo family. Common in the Old World, they are found in Northern and Sub-Saharan Africa, the Indian Subcontinent, the Middle East, the Levant, the Persian Gulf, the Gulf of Aden, the Red Sea, and the Mediterranean countries of Southern Europe.

Monday, 24 July 2023

More Wonder of Australia

 Another cold and wet start to the day, Tasha is here having a shower she said she will try to have one at home tomorrow. I have some more wonders of Australia.

The Bungle Bungle Range is a major landform and the main feature of the Purnululu National Park, situated in the Kimberley region of Western Australia. The striking natural landscapes is one to explore – home to hidden gorges and a unique range of wildlife, observe the natural wonder by foot. They are striped rock towers that rise to over 570 meters above sea level and are adorned with circular orange and black sandstone layers. Also found in the area surrounding them are dramatic gorges, tropical pools, and caves home to unique mammals and wildlife.

The Horizontal Falls, or Horizontal Waterfalls, nicknamed the "Horries" and known as Garaanngaddim by the local Indigenous people, are an unusual natural phenomenon on the coast of the Kimberley region in Western Australia, where tidal flows cause waterfalls on the ebb and flow of each tide. Instead of the typical vertical waterfall, is one of the most bewildering natural wonders in Western Australia.

The Ningaloo Coast is a World Heritage Site located in the north west coastal region of Western Australia. The 705,015-hectare heritage-listed area is located approximately 1,200 kilometres north of Perth, along the East Indian Ocean. It is the largest fringing coral reef in Australia and can be reached right from the shore, making it an amazing snorkelling destination.

The Blue Mountains is a rugged region west of Sydney in Australia’s New South Wales. Known for dramatic scenery, it encompasses steep cliffs, eucalyptus forests, waterfalls and villages dotted with guesthouses, galleries and gardens. Katoomba, a major town in the area, borders Blue Mountains National Park and its bush walking trails. Echo Point affords views of the storied Three Sisters sandstone rock formation. This escarpment of mountain ranges is located about 2 hours outside of Sydney. Here, you'll find yourself in awe of the colours before you.

Kings Canyon, also known as Watarrka, is a canyon in the Northern Territory of Australia located at the western end of the George Gill Range about 321 kilometres southwest of Alice Springs and about 1,316 kilometres south of Darwin, within the Watarrka National Park. The towering red sandstone walls of Kings Canyon are astonishing. The jagged red rock and smooth, steep stone of the canyon stretch out across the desert.

Sunday, 23 July 2023

Week 29 of 2023

Slept well up and had breakie when Tasha arrived to have a shower, she made a right floody mess of the bathroom which I cleaned up. She said she slept well which is good and she likes the new recliner.

This afternoon I tried to help Tim set up his laptop but it was frustrating. We were doing all the right things but it was suppose to send a code, like they do to verify ones identity but no we got now text tried using his different email to prove who he was but no still didn't work. So frustrating indeed.

Monday and the first day of term 3 for school but today is a pupil free day. It is also raining but not cold.

Tasha came down for a shower after which I threw all the wet towels in for a wash.

Tasha lost her shit with the staff at her doctors surgery so rang and asked the number to my Dr's surgery.

Sometimes I think Tasha could be called Karen but she isn't quite that bad.

A new day and awoke with a pain behind my left ear just a dull stinking pain.

Also found the dryer had been overfilled yet again clothes with the towels, very frustrating and not safe in my opinion could catch fire.

A cold and wet type of day you can feel the moisture in the air.

Sam left me a note asking me to ring him at 7am and keep ringing to the phone is answered, however, it was answered first ring which was good. I did come close to forgetting Sam's medication but I didn't we were nearly walking out the door when I remembered but that's ok.

A new day I didn't feel like getting up but of course I did, not overly cold thankfully.

Tasha arrived just before 6am to have her shower.

I had a phone call from Sam at 7am asking me to ring him back in 20 minutes time to get him out of the shower. Which I did and they walked in at 7.40am.

Tim took the car for its rego check it passed no problem. While he as out I checked to see if I could get the shredder to work it did so managed to shred some paperwork for Tasha. Tim kept saying it was cactus but he was wrong.

Slept in till 5.20 and was still getting dressed when I heard someone at the front door, it was Tasha and she couldn't get in. I let her in while only half dressed and missed my wash this morning but that's no drama. I had to turn the heater on this morning I am that cold only 4 degrees according to my computer.

Tim has driven Tasha to a doctor's appointment with her GP's nurse well they were gone for over 2hrs. It turned out they didn't have the right dressing stuff to change her dressing and sent her to the chemist to get what was needed, she had to go to 2 different chemists to find what was needed. Tim wasn't very forthcoming with information, I will find out more from Tasha later.

Didn't oversleep this morning up at 5am as usual and yeah it's cold. Up at 4.15 to pee and make sure the front door was unlocked just in case Tasha needed to get in before I got up, she didn't.

Tasha arrived at 5.45am to have her shower and we had a chat while she was getting the bathroom ready for her shower.

I had to get Tim out of bed to take Sam up the front as it is raining. It is also very cold outside.

Up at 5.30am and found Tasha in the shower so had to wait till she finished to get in to pee. Tim went outside to pee.

Tasha is walking better on her own and has driven Jess's car to Charlestown to do some shopping on her own.

Kathy and the girls cam over to have Tasha do their hairs as they are going to a formal birthday party for Micheal's mum, she is 70yrs old.

Friday, 21 July 2023

Jo-Anne's Thoughts

Good morning not a pleasant sunny but a cold overcast and wet morning, it is the day for Jo-Anne's thoughts but what are my thoughts this morning.

While talking to Kathy-Lee this morning she was making her girls breakfast which is normal but since they had no milk Sydney-May was unable to have Coco Pops which is what she has every morning. So Kathy made her bacon and eggs and I commented to Kathy that most mothers wouldn't want to bother making bacon and eggs, they would think it is too much work. Kathy said it isn't and doesn't take that long to do and she likes to know her girls have food in them before school.

Once upon a time a cooked breakfast was considered the norm now it is cereal or toast. Me I start with a bowl of fruit and a glass of chocolate milk, followed by toast or crumpets or raisin toast.

This made me think about how I always had breakfast before school from the age of 13 maybe I would get up before anyone else and make my own breakfast.

I also remember my dad getting up for breakfast with the family and he would go back to bed after breakfast, he did that because he could go without seeing us kids for 4 or 5 days in a row due to his work schedule and he didn't like that.

I tried to put my own socks on and failed, I was still struggling when Sam arrived and they quickly took over and put them on for me. I had been struggling to do it for 15 minutes when Sam arrived and only half had on one sock.

I had to get Papa up to go with Sam to wait for his driver because it is raining. Thankfully he got up without complaint. I can still hear the rain dripping into the ceiling but not coming through, kinda wish it would so the idiots would come and do a proper job of fixing it.

So I guess my main thought this morning is breakfast.

Thursday, 20 July 2023

Word of the Week

 What a bloody cold start to the day, had the heater going but I am still bloody cold. I just took Sam up to meet his driver and damn it is cold outside.

Today's word is: Racketeer

Which means to operate a dishonest or fraudulent business dealings

Wednesday, 19 July 2023

Aussie Slang

Good morning all hope it isn't too hot, wet or cold where you are, it's not too bad here cold but not too cold. Well here we are with some more Aussie Slang maybe old slang no longer used or current slang we will see.

Harold Holt: as in to do a Harold Holt meaning to bolt do a runna

Hoon: Hooligans

Journo: Journalist

Footy: Aussie rules football or rugby league depending what State you are in.

Freo: Fremantle

These are still used by many people

Tuesday, 18 July 2023

Creature Day


Good morning all, here we are at Tuesday and the first school day of term 3. Well it is time for this weeks creature and this week we have the Ocean Sunfish.

One of the ocean's true oddities, this disc-shaped creature is one of the world's largest bony fish, measuring up to 3.3 metres I diameter and weighing around 2,000kg bloody hell that's big. That's like the size of a car.

It's bullet-like shape is the result of a tail fin that never grows, it folds in on itself instead and forms a rudder called a clavus. They are clumsy swimmers, waggling their large dorsal and anal fins to move and steering with their clavus.

Often seen sunbaking near the ocean's surface, its oversized dorsal fin cuts through the water and is commonly mistaken for a shark.

This giant fish only has a taste for jellyfish, zooplankton and algae. They are harmless to people, but can be very curious and will often approach divers.

They often become so overrun with parasites that they jump yp yo 3m out of the ocean, landing with a slap on the surface, to try and get rid of them.

Monday, 17 July 2023

Five Questions From A Blogger


Here I am this Monday answering 5 questions sent by another blogger. I have forward these questions to Carole at for her answers.

Are you a native Australian? How many generations of your family were born there?

Yes I am a native Aussie going back I think 5 generations on Dad's side and I think the same on Mum's side so I am 6 generation Australian

If you could have dinner with one historical figure, who would it be and why?

This made me think trying to come up with someone and decided on Edith Cowan born Edith Dircksey Cowan in 1861 and lived to 1932 she was an Australian social reformer who worked for the rights and welfare of women and children. She is best known as the first Australian woman to serve as a member of parliament. Cowan has been featured on the reverse of Australia's 50-dollar note since 1995. Why her, well I am fascinated with women who have fought for women's rights.

What would you consider your greatest accomplishment?

In many ways I have accomplished very little in my life but I have raised 3 wonderful daughters and have 4 amazing grandchildren, which is one type of accomplishment.

Other than your loved ones, what is your most treasured possession?

I don't think I have one and I have thought about this question for a while.

Before blogging, what, if any, was your main mode of personal expression?

In the days before blogging which was a long time ago as I have been blogging since 2007 or 2005 I can't remember which. Anyway back in those dark days before blogging I use to do a family newsletter 4 times a year so that would be my answer.

Sunday, 16 July 2023

Week 28 of 2023

Awake since 4am tossing and turning so out of bed at 4.45am needing to pee, not as cold this morning.

Kathy and Summer came over and I had Kathy vacuum out for me. Summer walk down and posted my letters.

I also hung a skull thing in Sam's room both Tim and Kathy don't like the look of it, it has the look of something you would see in Mexico during the celebration of the dead. I like the look of it and hung it somewhere they won't see it.

A new week and a cold start to the day I have an appointment with the podiatrist and then Tim I will be going to lunch.

Tasha has gone into hospital for her operation, I hope all goes well for her.

We had just got home from the podiatrist when Jess rang she was stuck in town with a flat battery and needed her dad to go and give her a jump start.

Lunch was good although Tim didn't eat as much as he thought he would. Just after we got home Sam came over to give us a hug and show off his new ear piecings and to give both Tim and I a hug each.

Woke this morning to a message from Tasha she is doing well surgery was 4hrs long and she isn't much pain thanks for the pain relief. I will see if Tim will take me over to see her tomorrow.

I spoke to her on the phone and she sounded tired but ok, still has drip and catheter in.

Tim got into his office and sorted out his files, it has taken him a couple of hours. He is happy with what he did.

Another bloody cold start to the day, I put on a long sleeve singlet which I should have to done yesterday.

Sam came down at 7.30am and put my socks on my feet for me which has helped a lot.

Kathy was suppose to ring at 6.30 but she sent me a message saying she slept in and has three teenage girls asleep in the lounge room and doesn't want to disturb them, so I said don't bother ringing but that will mess with her routine so she may still ring.

I have a doctors appointment but not with my GP as I think he must be off as there were no appointments available for him online till the 24th and since I just need scripts I will someone else a female who hasn't been there long.

Cleaners came and did a so so job before we left for the doctors, after the doctors we went to see Natasha she looked ok, they had her get up and walk a short way. She is in ICU as there was a problem with her blood pressure.

I came home in a right mood and I don't know why but I got over it pretty quick. Maybe I was hungry as I felt better after I ate.

Tasha looked ok which made me feel better her right arm/hand is swollen but they don't know why. The got her up for a short walk, she is unable to put any weight on her left leg but is doing ok if her condition improves she will be moved to a ward, and she thought she would be home by Friday, I doubt it.

Up at 5am and woke with a headache after getting up and dressed I had my bowl of fruit for breakie.

I had a voice message from Tasha she sounded good and her blood pressure has stabilised and she has been transferred to a ward.

I was watching telly and stuff on my phone when I got a low battery message, I wasn't surprised as the phone wasn't plugged in when I got up this morning.

Rang Blain at 11.30 to make sure he was awake, he was.

Tim had a rehab appointment this afternoon. I had him go to the chemist for me to pick up medication I am out of.

Another day has arrived I think I slept straight throw the night as I have no memory of waking up. It isn't as cold this morning thankfully.

Tasha shared some Xray images of her hip and pelvis via message and there are a lot of screws and rods in there now.

Received a message from Tasha saying she hopes to come home tomorrow, we will see. If she does come home I hope all will be ok.

When I woke up I could remember part of a dream in which Tasha was standing near the kitchen with crutches and wearing an orange top.

When I checked overnight messages there was one from Tasha saying she was home, she came home last night. While writing this she walked in the front door with Blain, she wants a good shower and I have a disability shower easier for her to use. Oh and she was wearing an orange top and has crutches.

Tasha has decided she wants to buy a recliner like mine as she can't sit anywhere or lay in bed comfortably. So Tim drove her around some shops in order to find one which she did. Cost her around $1,000 I believe.

Friday, 14 July 2023

Jo-Anne's Thoughts

 Here we are at another Friday so a day to share my thoughts on something but what I need to have a little think. Well since Tasha is in hospital let's talk about hospitals.

Hospitals have come a long way they are generally staffed by kind and competent people.

When in hospital do you like getting visitors and do like them to stay a while or only 10-15 minutes. I prefer short visits over longer ones as generally after 10-15 minutes you can run out of things to talk about and if you are unwell you may just want to sleep. Thankfully visiting hours are not as restricted as they once were. At the John Hunter Hospital visiting is allowed anytime between 8am and 8pm except between 1 and 3pm when it is rest time.

I remember the days when parents usually had to leave their sick child in the hospital alone over night as parents were not allowed to stay with the child. I remember Mum telling me that once when my sister was in hospital suffering from a severe asthma attack and after being told to leave her as she would be fine there overnight Mum refused and sat by her bed all night, the staff were not happy but Mum didn't care she wasn't leaving her child.

Are you or do you know someone who is sure if they go to hospital they will die there. This is something that can scare a lot of the older generation. I don't have that worry as yet.

Also there is the issue of parking at a hospital our local hospital is large and busy and it's not uncommon to have trouble finding a parking space and then there is the cost of parking at some hospitals it is way expensive, thankfully not so much at the John Hunter Hospital as we have a disability parking permit in my name.

Thursday, 13 July 2023

Thursday's Word of the Week

 Good morning here we are at Thursday so here is this weeks word.

Obeisance: Deferential respect

A gesture expressing deferential respect, such as a bow or curtsy

Wednesday, 12 July 2023

Aussie Slang

Here we are at another Wednesday and of course it is slang day so here are this weeks slang words.

Bail......To cancel plans

Bogan.....Someone one other countries might call a redneck or someone who is acting weird

Cactus.....Dead or broken


Dag.......Someone who's a bit of a nerd or geek

Tuesday, 11 July 2023

Creature Day.........Diving Bell Spider


Good morning and damn it is cold here this morning only 3 degrees when I go up and still only 5 degrees 2.5hrs later and I shaking a lot due I suspect to the cold.

Well today I have yet another damn spider this one is the Diving Bell Spider they live in still waterways throughout Europe and are the only spider species that lives its entire lives underwater, mating, laying eggs and catching prey from their webs.

This clever little spider only needs to come to the surface of its pond once a day to breathe, it spins a web underwater and fills it with oxygen.

It moves tiny bubbles of air from above the water surface to its underwater “diving bell”. The bubble works a bit like a fish's gills, taking oxygen from the water and sending carbon dioxide back out.

When out of the water, the spider ranges in colour from mid to dark brown, although the hairs on the abdomen give it a dark grey, velvet-like appearance.

Diving bell spiders have a painful bite that can leave you in pain for a few days.

Monday, 10 July 2023

Five Wonders of Australia

Hello Monday and what a morning I seem to be shaking a lot and the computer isn't helping, anyway this week I have some more wonders of Australia.

Let's start with Wave Rock which is a natural rock formation that is shaped like a tall breaking ocean wave. The "wave" is about 15 m high and around 110 m long. It forms the north side of a solitary hill, which is known as "Hyden Rock".

Wave Rock is one of Australia's oldest and largest waves, yet it is located nowhere near the ocean. Formed over 2,700 million years ago, this 110 metre long.

Next up is The Daintree Rainforest, also known as the Daintree, is a region on the northeastern coast of Queensland, Australia, about 105 km, by road, north of the city of Cairns Daintree River and Rainforest. Where the forest meets the sea. Daintree Rainforest, Queensland. Simpson Desert. Filled with sand dunes, salt crusted lakes.

Next we have Fraser Island, officially K'gari, is a World Heritage-listed island along the south-eastern coast in the Wide Bay–Burnett region, Queensland, Australia. The island is approximately 250 km north of the state capital, Brisbane, and is within the Fraser Coast Region local government area. '

Fraser Island. Known as the world's largest sand island, Fraser Island is for those who love an exciting outdoor adventure. Fraser Island, Queensland.

We also have a pink lake known as Lake Hillier is a saline lake on the edge of Middle Island, the largest of the islands and islets that make up the Recherche Archipelago in the Goldfields-Esperance region, off the south coast of Western Australia. It is particularly notable for its pink colour. Almost too baffling (and beautiful) to believe, Lake Hillier is known for its bright bubble-gum pink hue. Located on Middle Island near Esperance.

Another place is Kata Tjuṯa, also known as The Olgas and officially gazetted as Kata Tjuta / Mount Olga, is a group of large, domed rock formations or bornhardts located about 360 km southwest of Alice Springs, in the southern part of the Northern Territory, central Australia. The 36 domes that make up Kata Tjuta are spread over an area of more than 20 kilometres, making it bigger than Uluru. The tallest dome rises 546 metres.

Sunday, 9 July 2023

Week 27 of 2023

 A new day has arrived after a bloody good nights sleep, it is the celebration of Aunty Pat's life today at Kotara Bowling Club.

We drove Sandy and Sue to the bowling club, I had a shower and got dressed up nicely haven't worn a dress in ages and it felt good. I even changed my ear rings and wore a necklace. We took the wheelchair to make it easier for me.

We arrived home around 4.30pm.

I slept straight through the night waking at 5am, I got up and took my meds and emptied my bladder before deciding to go back to bed for half an hour.

Yesterday was a good day, I cried a bit thinking of Mum & Dad as did Sandy and Sue.

It doesn't feel as cold this morning.

Not doing much today, I am having a lot of trouble sitting without pain.

Up at 4.50am, colder this morning but not too bad. It is wet outside so a good thing I don't have to go out today.

It has rained most of the day and been pretty damn cold as well.

Tim had his hand rehab this morning, they rang around 9.30 asking if he could go in early like at 10am instead on 10.30 so he did. He was gone till after midday.

I was awake at 3am and spent the next 2hrs dozing on and off till 5am when I got up. Tim also woke at 3am but he got up and came out to watch telly till I got up, when he went back to bed for a while.

Kathy dropped off Summer for the day while her and Micheal are at work.

Tim off to see his counsellor he will be gone a couple of hours.

I made both Summer and myself toasted cheese sandwiches and Summer found the Oreo's and had a few of those as well.

Tasha went and had another tattoo done but complains she is broke all the bloody time, this I don't get but don't say anything it will not change anything just piss her off so what's the point.

Up at 5am as per usual after I good nights sleep, not too cold this morning.

An easy day did little but that's ok I had little to do.

Not as cold but still cold enough for me.

Tasha has a new tattoo around her neck/throat, I guess it looks ok she wants to added to it. I like tattoos but don't get why so many want them around their necks and on their face which doesn't look good in my opinion.

Up a little later at 5.20am part of me wanted to say in bed but I do like my early mornings alone to listen to a book and just enjoy being up alone.

I have a lot of back pain today and find it difficult to sit comfortable.

Tim wanted to go to the Eastern Tiger for lunch and I told him he had to ring and make a booking he said we didn't have to do that. So I got online and checked and yeah I was right so we will now go on Monday, as they were booked out.

I ordered pizza for lunch and I paid for it all he has to do is got get it, not paying extra for delivery as we are only a 3 minute drive from the store.

Good morning here we at Saturday, I thought yesterday was Saturday for most of the day, oh well my days run together with me rarely leaving the house.

I am having computer problems this morning, and it is driving my nuts.

I did, however, manage to get some stuff done.

Had the sparky out to the power points in the kitchen he replaced one power point and said the other one is fine and the problem is the kettle and we should replace it.

Saturday, 8 July 2023

History of Tattoos

Yesterday I spoke a little about my thoughts on tattoos and today I will share a little about the history of tattoos.

The very first tattoos are thought to be from around 3370 BC to 3100 BC. This is where the earliest evidence of tattoos comes from, on the mummified skin of ancient remains. In fact, there are some cultures that are believed to be tattooing skin as early as 2100 BC.

Egypt's international trade spread the practice of tattooing to Crete, Greece, and Arabia, and there is a history of tattooing in ancient China, as well as among Celtic and Northern European tribes, such as the Picts—literally "painted people"—and in Samoa and the Polynesian islands, where the word "tatou" originated.

Simon Barnard studied the records of 10,180 convicts transported to Van Diemen's Land between 1823 and 1853. About 37 per cent of all men and 15 per cent of the women arrived with tattoos. This made 19th-century Australia perhaps the most heavily tattooed English-speaking country at the time, Mr Barnard said.

One study shows one in four Australians has a tattoo (25%) – a record high. This is up from 20% in 2018 and 19% in 2016. The proportion of women with a tattoo now exceeds that of men by more than ten per cent (31% women compared to 19% men).

Tattooing is most popular among Australians in the 20 to 39 year age group. According to McCrindle Research, by 2009, one in four Australians of the Gen Y group— those born between 1982 and 2001—considered having “body art” as an ideal way to celebrate their coming of age.

Friday, 7 July 2023

Jo-Anne's Thoughts


Good morning all not real cold thankfully, well here we are at Friday a day for Jo-Anne's thoughts and this week I am thinking about tattoos.

Tattoos are not a new thing but they have become far more common place, there was a time when you wouldn't see many females with them, nor would you see a cop with a tattoo but that has changed.

I have a few small tattoos myself and Tim has one on his upper arm, my daughters all have tattoos but two of them have gone overboard in my opinion.

I just don't think having them on one's face and neck to be a good look on either men or females.

I have often wondered how often some looks at their tattoos and think what the hell was I thinking getting this done. I know my niece regrets getting a big tattoo on her back of a skull with blood dripping from it. But when you are young you are often going to make some bloody stupid decisions because you are young and think you know everything.

These things are pretty much permanent as having them removed isn't easy or cheap.

Surgical removal, also called excision tattoo removal, involves cutting off tattooed skin and stitching remaining skin back together. It's the most invasive method of tattoo removal, but also the only guaranteed way to completely remove a tattoo.

Prices for tattoo removal vary based on such factors as removal method, tattoo size, existing scars, skin colour, body part, ink colours, and ink depth cost can run into the thousands.

Thursday, 6 July 2023

Word of the week

Good morning another day has arrived here in Aussie Land and it is now Thursday so it is time for the word of the week and this week's word is Blog.

I have often been asked what a blog is and I just say it is my web page where I post different stuff about life and just what I hope is interesting information.

Here is what the dictionary says it means.

A regular updated website or web page typically run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style.

Wednesday, 5 July 2023

Aussie Slang

Good morning, hope all are well so it is time for some Aussie Slang mostly still used.

Larrikin........Mischief maker

Someone who acts with apparent disregard for conventions or consequences

Lob in or up.....To drop in unannounced to visit people


Iso.............Isolation as those with Covid 19 had to do

Knocker.........Someone who criticises most things

Tuesday, 4 July 2023

Creature Day.......Short-Snouted Seahorse


Good morning all another Tuesday and of course that means it is time for another creature and this weeks creature is the Short-Snouted Seahorse.

With the head of a horse, a long forward curling tail and a set spiny eyelashes, this seahorse is unlikely looking creature. It measures just 13cm from head to tail and is able to change colour from green and yellow to maroon, purple and black to mimic the plants in which it lives.

These little beauties are found in shallow coastal waters of the United Kingdom, Western Europe and the Mediterranean. The short-snouted seahorse is a species of seahorse in the family Syngnathidae. It was endemic to the Mediterranean Sea and parts of the North Atlantic, particularly around Italy and the Canary Islands. In 2007, colonies of the species were discovered in the River Thames around London and Southend-on-Sea

Males are aggressive when fighting for a mate they use their snouts to shove their rivals and their tails to wrestle one another. Males and females mate for life and males carry the eggs in a brood pouch on their stomach.

The Short Snouted Seahorse is classified as Near Threatened on the IUCN Red List and are protected by the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. They are threatened by environmental pollution and damage to their seagrass habitat.

Monday, 3 July 2023

Aussie Facts

Good morning world and it isn't a bad morning not too cold which is nice, well it is Monday so it is fact day today's facts are five wonders of Australia.

The Great Barrier Reef is the world's largest coral reef system, composed of over 2,900 individual reefs and 900 islands stretching for over 2,300 kilometres over an area of approximately 344,400 square kilometres.

Uluru, or Ayers Rock, is a massive sandstone monolith in the heart of the Northern Territory’s arid "Red Centre". The nearest large town is Alice Springs, 450km away. Uluru is sacred to indigenous Australians and is thought to have started forming around 550 million years ago. It’s within Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, which also includes the 36 red-rock domes of the Kata Tjuta (colloquially “The Olgas”) formation.

The Twelve Apostles are a collection of limestone stacks off the shore of Port Campbell National Park, by the Great Ocean Road in Victoria, Australia. The Twelve Apostles are located on the traditional lands of the Eastern Maar peoples. Their proximity to one another has made the site a popular tourist attraction.

Kakadu National Park is an enormous, bio-diverse nature reserve in Australia’s Northern Territory. With terrain encompassing wetlands, rivers and sandstone escarpments, it’s home to some 2,000 plant species and wildlife from saltwater crocodiles and flat back turtles to birds. Aboriginal rock paintings, dating to prehistoric times, can be viewed at sites such as Nourlangie, Nanguluwur and Ubirr. Encompassing 20,000 square kilometers of tropical biodiversity, including 1,700 plant species.

The Pinnacles are limestone formations within Nambung National Park, near the town of Cervantes, Western Australia. Located in the Nambung National Park and formed 25,00 to 30,000 years ago, the Pinnacles is a mammoth collection of giant limestone pillars, some standing.


This week we are having a look at Canberra the capital of Australia located in the Australian Capital Territory or ACT. Canberra's his...