Wednesday, 6 June 2018

Overslept and more about dad

What a day I over slept this morning the alarm went off and for some reason I was thinking, it was am early to get up and just turned it off and stayed in bed till Natasha woke me at 7.30am, good thing I didn't have anything to do other then get dressed and take Leo to school.

I haven't gone to my aqua class this week due to the amount of pain I have in my knees, I saw the Dr yesterday and he has sent me for another Xray done of my right knee which I had done this morning. I have asked to be referred to a specialist about my knees but my GP is reluctant to do that but since there is a 2yr wait to see someone I would like to be referred and get on the waiting list sooner rather then later.

Mum was telling me last night that on Monday night after her and dad had gone to bed she asked him if he had taken his medication before going to bed and he said he hadn't, mum offered to get up and go and find it for him but he said no he would just skip taking it that night.

Then the next thing she knew he was getting out of bed when she asked what he was doing he said he was going to get his tablets so she told him to turn the lights on he said he had a torch and would be fine. Then the next think she heard was a loud noise and dad had fallen over, Dawson was in the kitchen and went to see what had happened, dad snapped at Dawson to leave him be when Dawson went to try and help him up. So Dawson went and rang Sandy who went straight around to help by the time she arrived dad had calmed down and Dawson was able to help him up and back to bed.

Yesterday morning dad didn't want to get out of bed he was worried he would fall over again but after a while mum was able to convince him to get up but he was very unsteady on his feet and decided to try using the small motorised scooter he has to get around the house.


  1. I hope your dad will be okay. Sounds like he needs one of those pill organizers like I have.

    You probably needed the sleep. I hope you can get a referral if you have to wait that long to see a specialist!

    1. He has one and mum reminds him to take them but he thinks I will take them later.

  2. Good idea if you want to go on the waiting list to get a referral.
    We have private health but it's not always affordable for so many people and hasn't been for a long time.
    Hope your dad is soon improved..

    1. Yes I will be pushing for a referral, we can't afford private health insurance

  3. Sounds like you are all having health struggles. Hope you and your dad are doing better soon.

  4. Dear Jo-Anne, growing older and still older is so hard. A real struggle between maintaining some independence and asking for help. I find myself struggling with this almost every day, so I appreciate your dad's attitude and what happened. At the same time, all this is so hard on the family. I hope you are being gracious to yourself. Peace.

    1. So true we all want our parents to be happy and safe and sometimes we need to put safe before happy

  5. All I can say is, prayers for dad...

  6. We also send many prayers to the Dad. Getting older is not fun. We send him lots of good thoughts.

  7. I will add him to my prayer list .


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