Sunday, 24 June 2018

Just an update

Hello everyone what a few days I have had, I have been tired and have a headache since Friday afternoon. I am sleeping better most nights but the last couple of nights I have woken a few times with a headache and have had to go and take pain relief during the night.

My parents are still in hospital but both are recovering slowly dad still may get transferred to the rehab ward and mum is hoping to be able to go home on Monday but first she will need to be able to walk 20 meters without needing to rest, each days she is a tad better then the day before.

Tim has his motorbike back from the mechanics yesterday morning he and Leo caught the bus to Toronto to pick it up after getting the bike the went for a ride into town and Leo loved it. We had Leo all day as well as last night as Jessica was working yesterday.

I have not been over to see my parents as I would not be able to walk from the carpark to the ward due to the amount of pain I have in my knees and achilles tendon, I have sent my dad a number of text messages and I still speak to mum every night. I do feel like shit because I am unable to get there and see them my sisters Sandra and Sue are amazing going over so much to see them and Sue will go and stay with mum & dad when they go home.


  1. Slow and steady for the folks, and for you. It will get better.

  2. Hi Jo-Anne ... it's good to know things are improving slowly - take care and I do hope all works out for your parents, and that you improve too - all the best - Hilary

  3. Your mom and Dad know you want to be there and how you are suffering with our own hard times. XX Be easy Jo Anne. Take your time to heal. XX

  4. I am so sorry about your pain - I can sympathize. About your headache is probably stress - but if it keeps up - see your doctor. And both parents in the hospital - you have a lot on your plate.

  5. Good to hear your parents are doing ok - and you look after yourself.

  6. Chris............Thanks each day brings improvement

    Hilary..........Thank you mum is home now and dad is doing ok

    Katie..........Yes I know mum & dad understand that things are not easy for me

    Chatty..........Yeah the headache could have been caused by stress

    Margaret........I try to take care of me not always easy though


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