Tuesday, 19 June 2018

Dangerous creatures/ Irukandji Jellyfish

Another cold wet day here in Newie, Tim is off work again as he came home on Sunday afternoon feeling unwell and he went to the doctor yesterday and was given a doctors certificate for two days off work, yesterday & today.

My mum went into hospital this morning for her hip replacement tomorrow I should be able to give you more information.

Today's dangerous creature is a small type of box jellyfish called an Irukandji jellyfish it can be the size of a finger nail in the bell with tentacles that can be up to a metre long. Unlike the standard box jellyfish which is usually found in shallow water this one is generally found in deep water.

If you are stung by one you need to seek medical attention pretty damn quick as being stunk can bring on Irukandji syndrome which is a condition induced by venomization by the sting of some box jellyfish.

The symptoms consist of severe lower back pain cramps, sweating, anxiety, nausea as well as other more fatal symptoms such as cardiac arrest.

So not good to get stung by it.


  1. I got stung once and I will never forget the pain!

  2. Awful for some humans if they get stung by some of our sea creatures.
    Hope you mum gets on well tomorrow..

  3. Your mum will get well soon. I have heard about this jelly fish. Thanks for sharing a detailed idea about them:)

  4. Sounds like it packs a mean venom for such a tiny creature!
    Hope the hubby is better soon and your mom's hip surgery goes well.

  5. Dear Jo-Anne, you introduce me to such interesting creatures! I hope all goes well with your mom's hip replacement and also that your husband feels better soon. Peace.

  6. Thanks all mum's opp went well, such a small but deadly creature indeed

  7. Glad to hear the surgery went ok! God bless her!

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  9. It's amazing how something so small can be so dangerous! I'm not quite the "ocean guy" and things like this deter me from being one!


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