Monday, 11 June 2018

Did you know No: 18

Good morning Australia and the world, what a great morning it is, yes it is cold and wet but for the first morning in weeks I have woken up with little pain in my knees, I don't just feel awake I feel alive and oh so good.

My dad is improving slowly but is still in a lot of pain but not taking pain relief on a regular basis even though mum is telling him he should.

Anyway here is this weeks five did you know facts..............

Used car dealers can buy a bottle of “new car smell” to make their second hand cars smell new.

The Mona Lisa has no eyebrows as it was fashionable in her time to have them removed.

When a dolphin give birth a midwife dolphin often attends, the midwife helps push the baby to the surface for its first breath, how do they know that

For some time chimpanzees have been taught sign language, that fact most people know but did you know that the original learners are teaching it to younger chimps and that it is believed they have conversations among themselves.

In research where horses were taught to work light switches, they consistently proved that they preferred a night-light by turning the switches on after dark


  1. Happy to hear about your dad's health. Even my father don't like to take pain killers.
    Interesting to read about the did you know facts!

    1. Tim also doesn't like to take pain killers and I don't get it your in pain take something to relieve it

  2. Pleasing to read your dad is improving and that you are also not too bad at the moment - feels good I bet.
    Didn't know that regarding the dolphin..

    1. Yes I am feeling pretty good and yes it feels good

  3. Hi Jo-Anne .. glad you're feel better and that your Dad is recovering ... take care - cheers Hilary

  4. Did not know that about the ML... weird wild stuff

  5. Your beginning was the best part of this post, I'm so glad you're having a good day and that your dad is getting better.

    1. Yes it feels good to feel good and know dad is improving


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